Friday 24 October 2014

SEMOLINA MADE LANGCHA a sweet we love way too much, specially if it is of Shaktigarh. To be precise, it originated in a small township named Shaktigarh, in the district of Burdwan. If you are travelling through that highway, you cannot help yourself but stopping by the shops and have few. Along the highway, there are series of frill free humble shops, by their looks you can't even imagine inside they have those brown-red, hot beauties ready to be served  for you.... please don't get scared of the flies around, they are part of the deal, hahaha. Those flies are decent you know, they keep on flying above your head without disturbing your plates. Still, morning to night, there are swarms of cars and buses stationed by these shops....from labourers to corporate honchos.

Well, I have a story to tell about this specific sweet Langcha! Sometime in 2004-2005, I do not remember exactly, my brother got a job at Reliance Mutual Fund, his first posting was at Durgapur! I and the man went to spend a weekend with bhai! I do not remember we took along with our toddler son or kept him with our mother! To travel from Kolkata to Durgapur by bus, you are to cross over Shaktigarh! The buses would stop both ways for some refreshments!On our way back, we ate hot kochuris, potato curry & these sweets! We got packed for us, the parent's home & the in-laws! We were to get down at Howrah & then take a cab to our home! Whilst getting down, we totally forgot about the sweet packs kept in the bunker of the bus! I am still sad about it, how I regret, about 500-600 rupees of sweets we bought, we got a good number at this amount then!

Anyway, I thought before My friends from the western world faint and cancel their trips to my country, I should post the recipe, so whoever wishes to can prepare at home. But you know I am proud when I say all these, in fact proud of the subcontinent.... we are poor, we are developing, but we have talents because we are fighters, since childhood we learn to fight against all odds, and we have a rich cultural heritage. I believe,  in a country, if its men are not proud of it and work towards bringing pride for their country, it eventually turns into a failed state. My version of langcha is more typical of the ones available at the Kolkata shops or may not be at all! I prepared it with semolina, actually it is made with paneer+mawa+refined flour may be! At Shaktigarh, they are darker,  deep fried in clarified butter and too sweet. I do not want my sweets to be too sugary!

INGREDIENTS : [for the syrup]

Sugar : 1 small tea cups [ adjust according to your taste ]
Water : 2 coffee mug
Green Cardamom : 3-4

INGREDIENTS :[for the Semolina Made Langcha]

Semolina : 1/2 coffee mug

Refined Flour : 2 tsp
Milk Powder : 2-3 tbsp
Ghee[clarified butter] : 1 tsp + 1 tsp +1 tbsp
Green Cardamom Powder : 1 tsp
Green Cardamom : 2-3
Baking Soda : 2 pinch
Oil : 100-150 ml for deep frying


Mix the milk powder with some water & keep aside. Make a powder of the semolina & lightly roast taken in a wok! Add the milk & 1tsp of sugar! Keep stirring with a hand beater, so there is no lump! Add some ghee & stir until it comes out from the sides! Transfer to a plate!

Once it is a bit cool, add the refined flour, green cardamom powder, the baking soda & some ghee! Prepare a smooth dough! Tear off portions & make into cylindrical shapes. But I could manage this!
Warm enough oil in a wok, do not make the oil hot! Slowly brown the uncooked dough pieces cooking in minimal heat! Take them out and place onto a tissue paper!

In another burner beside, make the sugar syrup by mixing the sugar, water and green cardamoms, let the mixture boil for about 13-14 minutes at medium to low heat. Switch off the gas stove! 

Gently add the fried stuffs! Let them be soaked for an hour. Serve warm or chilled.

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