Tuesday 4 November 2014


I was thinking that people will start assuming  by now that this lady cannot cook anything other than fish. To that I would say I love fish so much that I have to have it everyday. If we are having it everyday, we need to explore different recipes to keep the craze going on at home. Each time before I start to cook, I sit and set the menu. At firs,t I settle on the type of fish curry, then based on it other dishes. On a normal day, in a Bengali household, a meal would consist of lentils accompanied by fritters, one or two types of vegetables, a fish curry and to end up with a chutney. Now a days we generally skip the fritters and chutney mainly for time constraint and health reasons. But the fish item should be the queen adorning the dining table, almost everyday, at every meal, that I can swear upon on behalf of my clan. Over the weekend, in addition there would be mutton or chicken curry.

    Today's recipe of fish is not typical of my place, it is fish fillets cooked with assorted vegetables rather. After I stepped out of my city I learnt to accept and recognise other cuisine, culture, ways of life. I must admit the present city gave me the much required exposure, and with it developed right attitude towards life. Appreciating other's way of life, accepting it and applying the best of it in our lives reflects our open-mindedness. May I take the liberty to say this?

     This recipe of fish with assorted vegetables is extremely easy to prepare with minimal ingredients. You can add any vegetable of your choice to the fish. I added what was available at my pantry that particular day. Let us cook this yummy and healthy fish dish together.

White Fish Fillets : 500 gm
Broccoli : 1
Cherry Tomato : 6
Carrot : 1 big
Onion : 1 big
Green Chilli : 5 medium
Salt : As per requirement
Black Pepper Powder : 1/2tsp
Ginger : 1/2tsp[minced]
Garlic : 1tsp[minced]
Soya Sauce[light] : 3 tbsp
Vinegar : 2 tbsp
Corn Flour : 2tbsp
Refined Flour : 1tbsp
Oil : 4-5tbsp

Cut the fish fillets into small pieces and wash thoroughly. Marinate with little salt, black pepper powder and vinegar. Keep aside for 1 hour.

Peel the carrot and then cut into halves and finally into smaller pieces. Cut into half the cherry tomatoes and the green chillies. Cube the onions and cut the broccoli into small florets. Keep the veggies in separate bowls and wash thoroughly. Peel, wash and mince the ginger and garlic.

Drain the excess vinegar water from the fish pieces. Wipe them with a dry cloth. Add the corn flour, refined flour  and salt as required, mix well. Heat oil in a wok.

Once the oil is hot, start frying the fish pieces in batches. The gas mark should be at medium to low.

Once all the fish pieces are fried, place them on a tissue paper. Temper same oil with the minced ginger and garlic. As you get a nice fragrance, add the onion pieces. Fry till translucent. Now add the carrots, stir and cover. Gas mark should be at low.

Open the cover after 3 to 4 minutes. Add the broccoli florets and the slitted green chillies.Increase the gas mark to medium. Saute for about 3 minutes.

Add the cherry tomato pieces and stir. Add soya sauce, black pepper powder and salt as required. Saute for 2 minutes.

Now add the fried fish fillets to the wok. Stir well carefully so that they do not break. After 1 minute switch off gas.

You can have it as an appetiser or serve it with fried rice. Both ways it tastes yum.

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