Sunday 16 November 2014


The platter is authentically and religiously Bengali. Authentically because we perhaps are the only Indian to prepare POORI with refined flour and call it LUCHI; a refined flour puffed bread. And its our religion to have it on a regular basis.The name itself is associated with so many incidents and memories. Patented by Bengal, luchi is just perfect for all occasions since when I don't know. But yes, it is a big hit in the present day busy scenario too. If you are preparing it for breakfast, then it is accompanied by "begun bhaja, aloor dom and jilipi". If it is served at dinner, then obviously with chicken / mutton curry and "payesh"; rice pudding. My friends from the western world please do not get scared, we have a wide range of antacids to offer. Grab it and have it! Its a must!

I never did leave an opportunity to have luchi in my life except for one day. That was on my marriage day. We are supposed to be fasting on the D-day. How angry I got watching all the relatives and family sitting together and grabbing one after another. The hungry me was watching and waiting for a bite, may be at an unearthly hour of the night when all rituals would be over. Oh my God, my husband would have call it quits if he knew I was thinking more of luchi than him on that day. Anyway, the family served me another favourite on the day; "mishti doi o chirey"!

Jokes apart, now a days I eat less of them given my health condition. But I don't regret not having  them much as I had them once to my heart's content. These days, I love doing it for my loved ones. I also get to hear that some long lost associates enjoy "luchi bites". Welcome home, I wish to treat more and more people with food! What you see in the pictures is a platter of "luchi, mutton, chayote curry, a basic salad".

INGREDIENTS : [for the luchi fried puffed bread]

Refined Flour : 2 coffee cups[shall make about 20 luchi]
Salt : As required
Water : As required
Oil : 150 gm[to deep fry,the left over to be used later for other recipes]

INGREDIENTS : [for the mutton curry]

Mutton : 1 kg
Plain Yogurt : 200 gm[alternatively 2 big tomatoes]
Ginger Paste : 2 tsp
Garlic Paste : 2 tbsp
Coriander Powder : 2 tsp
Red Chilli Powder : 2 tbsp[adjust according to your requirement]
Onion : 2 big[sliced]
Salt : As required
Turmeric Powder : 1 tsp
Bay leaf : 1
BengalI Garam Masala Powder : 1/2 tsp [a powder made of green cardamom, cloves and cinnamon]
Oil[preferably Mustard] : 4+2tbsp

Method :

Let us prepare the dough first. Take the flour in a wide mouthed vessel. Add the salt and 2 tbsp oil. Mix well for two minutes. Add water little by little and keep rubbing until a soft n smooth dough is formed. Cover with a wet piece of cloth and keep aside.

The mutton has to be marinated and refrigerated for about 10 hours before you cook. Wash the mutton well taken in a bowl. Marinate with little  salt, chilli powder, turmeric powder, beaten yogurt and 2 tbsp mustard oil very well. If you are using tomato instead of yogurt, marinate the mutton with 3 tbsp vinegar or juice of 2 lemon. Tightly cover and refrigerate overnight. Take out 1 hour before cooking.

Heat oil in a pan.Temper with the bay leaf and put in the sliced onions. As they turn brown, add the ginger n garlic paste. Keep stirring till the raw smell goes. Add the  coriander powder, chilli powder, turmeric powder, salt. Stir well till the oil separates from the spices. Add the mutton with all the marination. Cook covered stirring every 3-4 minutes at low heat till all the water dries up. It will take about 1 hour.

Now pour in 1 warm coffee mug of water to the mutton. Stir and cover cook for another half an hour. Add the garam masala powder. Stir well and switch off.

Now lets start making luchi. Take the refined flour, oil and salt in a wide mouthed bowl and rub well for 2 minutes. Add water little by little and prepare a firm yet soft dough.Cover with a wet cloth for 1/2 an hour.

Remove the cover, knead once more for a while and make small balls out of it.With help of the rolling pin and base, roll out small round shaped luchi putting little oil on the balls.

Heat oil in a well rounded wok. The luchi should soak deep into the oil.  Once the oil reaches the smoking point, lower the heat to medium . Fry the puffed breads one by one.

Please note; to get oil free & perfectly puffed luchi, heating of the oil properly is necessary.... it will be neither too hot or  towards cold. You have to keep on adjusting the heat throughout the process otherwise they soak in lot of oil. It is to be served hot always.


  1. We make this kind of frying dough alot and call it "pişi". Especially we consume it in breakfasts with hot tea. Your recipe looks great. Frying dough and mutton combination must be delicious.

    1. Yes, too delicious. We also have the puffed breads with tea, with rice pudding and various vegetarian dishes!
