Wednesday 3 December 2014


Not a fish, yet considered the most versatile and tasty amongst all fish by many. Versatile in the sense it can be made to as many a dishes, open to any kind of experiment. Either way it tastes great. At times we forget its not a fish. Available in so many sizes, it is quite common in your kitchen, as it can be mixed and matched with any kind of ingredient given its availability. Every country, every region has its own way of cooking it. With globalisation we are open to and equipped with more and more recipes of prawns.
In our childhood prawns were not so expensive, so they adorned our  plates quite often. I am talking about tiger prawns which once cooked would cover a medium sized plate . When served with steamed rice, we thought what do they talk about heaven, if this is not heaven, what else is. A sunday,  a hearty meal of prawn curry and rice was so fulfilling, one could make out from the noise of snoring afterwards. Yes weekend  afternoon naps were as much a treat. I don't know why I am using a past tense , we still practise this.
In our community, treating the son-in-law with a tiger prawn or hilsa  curry is almost a ritual. Whether the wallet permits or not, it is a matter of prestige. The over indulgent mom-in-laws gives the ultimatum to the poor pa-in-laws....I don't know anything, the freshest and the biggest prawns in the market should adorn my kitchen today.  The father-in-law would come back sweating and a big hole in his pocket but with an amazing smile of satisfaction on his face. And yes the much embarrassed son-in-law would have them in minutes, haha. Embarrassment has nothing to do with taste buds . Simple living  does not necessarily mean simple eating....God if one is like me....a top to bottom foodie.
It was a friday. The refrigerator was almost empty. Had few shrimps, bell peppers and 2-3 variety of sauces. Was thinking what to do and how quickly.....and came up with this BLACK PEPPER SHRIMPS.

Shrimps : 500 gm
Bell Pepper[green,red,yellow] : 1/2 each
Onion : 2 medium
Green Chilli : 4[change according to your requirement]
Garlic[minced] : 1tbsp
Ginger[minced] : 1 tsp
Black Pepper Sauce : 2 tbsp[change according to your requirement]
Salt : As required
Soya Sauce : 1 tbsp
Corn Flour : 3 tbsp
Oil : 2 tbsp
Spring Onion or Coriander leaves for garnish. I did not have so I skipped.

Discard the head and the tail of the shrimps, devein  and wash. Cut the onion and bell peppers into small squares and wash. Slit the green chillies. Add little salt to the shrimps, mix well and coat them with cornflour.

Heat oil in a pan. Fry the shrimps lightly in batches. Keep aside. In the same oil, put in the minced  garlic and ginger , As they give a nice aroma, put in the onions. Stir till they are translucent. Add the bell peppers and the slitted green chillies. Saute for 1-2 minutes.

Now add the soya sauce and little salt. Stir at high heat for another 2 minutes. Add the prawns, give a stir and add the black pepper sauce and stir for another 1 minute at high heat, Switch off gas, you are done.

Serve with noodles/steamed rice/fried rice!!!

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