Tuesday 10 February 2015


'Kulfiii Malai...malai kulfi...thanda malai...keu nebe naki...kulfi malai'.....this was how the vendor used to say in our neighbourhood... some 35 years back. It meant...anybody wants cold creamy kulfis? He would start coming every evening around 7-7.30 pm with the onset of spring. My mother along with other aunties in the neighbourhood would get annoyed because he always would come during our study time. He was as if the Pied Piper of Hamlyn....one call....and all the kids were in their respective balconies. My brother in just two jumps from study table to the balcony...me following him and mom shouting....come back....come back. That was when the vendor would stand still....raise his voice and describe the kulfis using finest adjectives. It was not his fault, he had to sell. Neither was it our fault....kulfi malai had always been more attractive than studies....moms forget their own childhood....Finally mom used to give in because she knew unless she buys us kulfis, not a single word will go into our head. These were the small pleasures I still remember. I have to stop, otherwise it may turn into an epic. Every page of history has an interesting story to say...better we unfold slowly....

Kulfi Malai is an Indian dessert....rich, creamy, frozen, hence served chilled. You need very less ingredients to prepare it. Boiling the milk till it reaches a creamy consistency is the only thing where we need patience. You need to have kulfi moulds to prepare kulfi malai at home. They  look as below.

Milk[full cream] : 1kg
Condensed Milk : 200 ml
Sugar : 1tbsp
Cardamom Powder : 1tsp
Pistachios : 8-10
Strawberries : 5

Pour the milk in a heavy bottomed vessel. Put onto the gas at medium heat and bring to boil. Keep on stirring to avoid the milk from being spilling. Reduce the heat.

In another burner put 1tbsp sugar in a pan, add 1tbsp water and caramelise it. Add it to the milk.

Once the milk is reduced to half, add the condensed milk. Stir well. Add the cardamom powder. Bring to a boil and switch off. The milk should reach a creamy consistency. Let it cool.

Now crush the pistachios. Wash and cut the strawberries into small pieces. Add both to the already cold milk mixture. Mix well.

Pour the milk mixture into each mould and tighten the lid properly. Now put in the freezer for at least  8-10 hours.

When you wish to serve, take out, open the lid and slightly loosen the boarder with a knife. They will come out easily.

Serve frozen!!


  1. delicious!!! totally drool worthy:)

  2. Never tried strawberry kulfi before... but sounds great:)

    1. Kimberly Ds...the tanginess of strawberry went well with the sweetness of it...

  3. strawberry kulfi!! wow! looks amazing, love it! very tempting with the nuts too!!
