Thursday 26 February 2015


Just back from the Cameron Highlands, there ought to be strawberries and more strawberries in my cooking. A typical mango eating Bengali that I am, its a bit difficult to fall in love with the tartness of strawberries, how much of healthy it is. I rather  enjoy it's beauty; it is  passionately red. If you are at Cameron Highlands, you cannot resist buying few boxes; standing right in the middle of the strawberry farms; too fresh, juicy red they are. On the lap of the nature; amidst the greens, little red mermaids are peeping through as if. There are quite a few strawberry farms who allow strawberries to be plucked as you wish, they then put them into the boxes, weigh and sell. 

The senior at home was too excited and bought two full boxes saying he will have them with cream. Back in Singapore, he totally forgot all about it. Back from the office, he is more happy with his little dosages of wine and nuts. If wifey tries to remind, she is tagged as nagging. The Junior, our monkey son eats no fruit that has tartness in it. So what to do?

In this scenario, I thought of an alternative use of the red beauties; paying due respect to its beauty, quality, health benefits and off course it's price tag. Why not prepare some sweetmeats Bengal is famous for; I thought! I perhaps had seen or heard somewhere about STRAWBERRY SANDESH. I zeroed in on this recipe in the morning. Health is not in a friendly mood with the self; I thought this quick and  easy recipe should be fine with me. It took some 45 minutes hour to prepare them; if we leave the standing hour for the fresh paneer / chena to get rid of the whey.

INGREDIENTS : [ to prepare the chena / fresh paneer]

Milk : 1 litre 
Vinegar : 2 tbsp
Water : 3-4 tbsp
Ice Cube : 3-4

INGREDIENTS : [for the Strawberry glaze]

Strawberry : 6-7
Sugar : 2-3 tbsp
Lemon Juice : 2 tsp

INGREDIENTS : [for the sweet]

The freshly made chena or paneer
The freshly made Strawberry glaze
Green Cardamom Powder : 1/4 tsp
Rice Flour : 1 tsp


It is recommended to use fresh milk to make the chena / paneer. But today, I used Amul's tetra pack milk!

Pour the milk in a deep bottomed vessel and put for boil. Once the milk comes to boil, lower the heat. Add the vinegar mixed with half small cup of water, little at a time. Keep stirring and switch off the gas stove. Add the ice cubes to avoid further cooking! 

Strain immediately placing a thin & clean cheese cloth on a strainer, wash under water & tie it to the tap!
Let us prepare the strawberry glaze. Cut the washed strawberries into small pieces. Add them to a sauce pan.  Add a little of water & 2 tbsp of sugar!

Once it comes to the boil, stir continuously. As it gets thick & sticky, its done. Let it cool.

Take the paneer down after about 40-45 minutes, take it on a plate and knead for about 4-5 minutes.

To it, add some of the Strawberry glaze, mash & knead for 3-4 minutes.

Heat the wok and add the paneer paste & sugar, cook till the sides comes out. Add the rice flour & the green cardamom powder and mix well.

Transfer the paneer / chena mixture to a plate. Let cool a bit, knead well for 2-3 minutes. 

Shape them into your choice of sandesh. Transfer all the sandesh into a lightly greased tray / plate. Make a hole in the middle & pour some of the strawberry glaze in the middle! This job was done entirely by Cristine.

Eat it warm and fresh or serve chilled as you wish. Sweet lovers will love to have it anytime of the day!

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