Monday 20 April 2015


When I look at the jackfruits in the market, I dive into my past and reach straight to my childhood. I was born and brought up at my maternal grandparent's home till age six. Even later the bond got stronger. Every summer and winter vacations I had to be there... to get cosy on my didu's [maternal grand mom] lap, ride behind the maternal uncles' scooter... I was spoilt by their indulgence.... My grandfather loved gardening....the house had a big garden surrounded by coconut & beetle nut trees. Besides,  there were mango, jackfruit, lemon, drumsticks and many varieties of flowers growing in there. He used to grow seasonal vegetables too. Most of the time I used to be in the garden, playing alone. My brother & cousins are much younger than me.

His jackfruit trees bore fruits in abundance and they were huge sized. The Bengalis eat the green ones made into curries and also the ripened juicy ones.... aah...the taste was divine...just cut from the tree and eaten fresh. I remember the ordeal of didu on the day she decided to cook  green jackfruit curry. The maternal uncles used to cut one, rest she took up from dressing it to grinding & pasting the spices to slow cooking it. The end product was heavenly, flavourful with a garnish of ghee and Bengali garam masala. It feels good to see that the native islanders here love ripe jackfruit, it has some cousin varieties too! Also, we easily get the green ones may be because the Southern Indians eat it!

Now a days the process is easy.... the complex process of removal of its hard skin is no more, its already done and then sold. There is no reason why we should not cook it. I would take forth the legacy with due respect to all yesteryear women for whom things were not as easy as it is now. Only the cutting part is a bit time consuming but when u eat the curry u forget all of the pain. We call it "Gaach Patha" literally meaning tree mutton; actually it is a vegetarian dish cooked with a lot of spices to get a mutton curry feel. In our family its a no onion, no garlic dish. We also use small prawns in this curry but today I kept it pure vegetarian. When I do a vegetarian curry with it, the authentic one, I do not use too much of spices! I cook a light curry unless I want a duplicate of a mutton curry, that is vegetarian!


Raw Jackfruit : 500 gm
Potato : 2 medium
Ginger Paste : 2 tbsp
Cumin Powder : 1 tsp
Coriander Powder : 1/2 tsp
Red Chilli Powder : 1 tsp
Cumin Seed : 2 pinches
Bayleaf : 1
Bengali Garam Masala : 1/4 tsp[ an equal amount of green cardamom , cinnamon and cloves ground]
Sugar : 1 tsp
Salt : As required
Turmeric Powder : 1 tbsp
Ghee : 1 tbsp [clarified butter] [you can skip it to make it vegan]
Oil : 3-4 tbsp


Apply a little of oil in your palms before cutting the jackfruit because the secretion from the raw fruit will make your palm sticky. I did get one whose skin is already cut. So cut the hard mid region of the fruit, discard it. If your jackfruit has seeds take out and discard the yellowish skin that covers the seed. Now cut into small cubes. Wash and apply salt and turmeric as required.

Take the jackfruit pieces in a deep bottomed vessel, add 2 coffee mugs of water and boil on gas top for 6-8 minutes. Take down and discard the water. Add little salt and turmeric again.

Peel, wash and cut the potatoes into cubes. Apply salt and turmeric; fry them. Prepare a paste with the ginger paste+cumin+coriander+red chilli+turmeric powders+salt+2 tbsp water; mix well!

Add little more of oil to the remaining if required. Once hot, temper with bay leaf and cumin seeds. As they splutter, add the spice paste.

When the raw smell goes and  the spices separates from the oil; add the fried potatoes and jackfruits. Keep stirring for 2-3 minutes at medium to low heat. Add about 2 coffee cups of water & cover to cook at minimal heat!

After 6-7 minutes, remove the cover and check if they are soft. If yes,  add the Bengali garam masala powder, sugar and ghee.

Cook for another 1 minute. Its done.

Serve hot with rice or even rotis go very well with it.

Please note I use less spices, if you want it like a meat curry, double the amount of the spice mix, also can use tomatoes & onions!