Tuesday 28 April 2015


The mango season is on and I can very well see its reflection everywhere.... from shakes to desserts to pickles....we call it achar.... a South Asian condiment. The very mention of achar / pickle brings forth many a sweet memories. Our mom used to prepare pickles with mango, tamarind, elephant apple, mainly sweet ones using jaggery considering Bengal's love for sweets. I remember only the lemon pickle she made was a sour one. She did prepare one sour mango pickle which I loved very much. 

Our daddy had to have little bit of sweet pickle with his fish curry and rice, hence that sweet pickle fair had predominance at our home, made with sour jujube, elephant apple, raw mangoes. That simplistic love story was so typical of that generation..... altogether a different generation, a different perspective of life.... They hardly shared any amount of romance between them!

Coming back to pickle, ever since I saw the raw green mangoes in the market, I was planning to prepare some achar for my senior who loves it with his flat breads, even if the flat breads are accompanied by veggies and meat. Though he prefers the sour pickle in oil, I prepared this sweet one, with a typical Bengali dry roasted ground spice mix. I prepared this KANCHA AAMER MISHTI ACHAR yesterday evening. What you see in the picture has to be kept under the sun for a week and then stored in a jar.

INGREDIENTS : [ for the dry spice mix]

Cumin Seeds : 1 tsp
Coriander Seeds : 1tsp
Fenugreek Seed : 1/4tsp
Fennel Seed : 1/4tsp
Black Mustard Seed : 1/4tsp
Wild Celery Seed : 1/4tsp
Dry Red Chilli : 5

INGREDIENTS : [ for the sweet mango pickle ]

Raw Mango : 3-5 standard sized [preferably whose seed has not hardened enough]
Jaggery : 1 medium tea cup [I used the powder]
Sugar : 2-3 tbsp
Salt : 1/4 tsp
Turmeric Powder : 1/4 tsp


Peel, wash and cut the mangoes into medium sized cubes discarding the seeds. Rub with salt and turmeric powder. Rest for half an hour.

Take a wok & switch on the gas stove. Add the marinated mango cubes & cover cook at low heat for 8-10 minutes. Give a stir in between!

Uncover & add the jaggery powder & a medium cup of water; fold in well. As the jaggery melts, keep stirring at medium heat till it turns little sticky. Add the sugar to get the mixture more sticky.

Switch off gas. Transfer to a bowl. 

Dry roast the spices at minimal heat for 3-4 minutes, and grind to a coarse powder! 

Add it to the pickle & fold in well!

Give a good sunbath to the pickle before transferring to a sterilised jar!


  1. I went to an exhibition few months back and bought a mix of pickles... was too busy to ask the name ...all of them was very tasty and this one too was there.. happy to know now what exactly it was :)

  2. Monu....thank you...its atypical bengali sweet mango pickle

  3. I loved your version alot. It looks so yum and lip-smacking :-)

  4. I loved your version alot. It looks so yum and lip-smacking :-)

  5. Mango chutney looks so delicious and flavorful, Soma!

  6. OMG! Mouthwatering. This is a must try.
