Thursday 16 April 2015


Raw Banana does not sound that glamourous; at least 25 years back I used to feel so. What is raw banana? If there is something called banana, it has to be a ripe one eaten as a fruit or in desserts or... or... to be used in "malpua" or "shinni". This was what I felt until I tasted Raw Banana Kofta curry / Kanchakolar Kofta Curry. That this humble, simple, plain looking vegetable can be made into a tasty dish was known to our family only few years back. Honestly; our mother used to cook raw banana curry along with papaya and cat fish [shingi o magur] whenever we were sick. She used to tell us stories of lip smacking fish and meat curries that she would cook for us once we get well and managed to feed us this soup made of papaya and raw banana. Then may be someday she got this recipe of Raw Banana Kofta Curry from someone and prepared it for us; it became an instant hit at our home. The father used to love it much.

Raw Banana or Kanchkola are firmer than the ripened ones and are usually cooked before eating.  We can actually prepare quite a number of yummy snacks and curries with this non-glamourous vegetable. I prepared this curry simply in a tomato base, using a potato to tighten the kofta. You will absolutely love this RAW BANANA KOFTA CURRY / KANCHAKOLAR KOFTA CURRY on an all vegetarian day. Let us do it together. I do not usually fry the kofta, I cook the kofta mixture very well and save oil.

 INGREDIENTS : [ for the kofta ]

Raw Banana : 2
Potato : 1
Cashew Nuts : 7-8
Raisins : 10-12
Salt : as required
Sugar : 1/2 tsp
Turmeric Powder : 1/2 tsp

INGREDIENTS : [ for the gravy]

Tomato[red n ripe] : 2 medium
Onion Paste : 2 tbsp
Ginger Paste : 1 tbsp
Cumin Powder : 1 tsp
Red Chilli Powder : 1 tsp
Coriander Powder : 1 tsp
Cumin Seeds : 2 pinches
Bay leaf : 1
Salt : As required
Oil : to fry the koftas and for the gravy.[ 1/2 small cup]


Peel the skin of the raw bananas and the potato. Cut half and wash. Pressure cook up to 1 whistle.

Once cold, open lid and discard water. Mash the boiled potato, raw banana along with salt, sugar, turmeric powder, broken cashews and raisins.

Heat oil in a wok and temper with cumin seeds. Add the raw banana mixture and keep stirring and cooking for 15-16 minutes. I prefer not to fry the kofta, so cook it well.

Once done, transfer the mixture to a plate and let cool.

Once cool, shape into balls.

Wash and cut the tomatoes into small pieces.

Heat oil in a wok. Temper with bay leaf and cumin seeds.

Add the onion paste. Saute till the raw smell goes.

Add the ginger paste. Fry up to 2 minutes and add the tomato pieces. Fry till they melt and the spice mix gets separated from the oil.

At this stage, add the cumin powder, coriander powder, red chilli powder, salt and turmeric and fry upto 1/2 a minute.

Add 1 cup water. Let boil for 3-4 minutes. Switch off and pour the gravy over the koftas.

Let them soak in the gravy for at least half an hour before serving.

Serve hot with steamed rice or chapatis.

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