Friday 15 May 2015


This is that time of the year when mangoes sweep away all our senses. Considered the king of all fruits, we eat it to our heart's content. When it comes to mangoes, who stops at one? Not even the diabetic me. I remember my father's favourite breakfast in this season was / is aamras with puffed rice / pressed rice and milk.....very typical of those who migrated from East Bengal to India. My father proudly would say his family whilst in Bangladesh never did buy mango from the market and never in kilos. It was always getting from their own trees and having in huge quantity. Here we fail to understand their psychology and laugh it out....oh .....but the actual fact is even the humblest of the person had his own house, a garden and a small dairy farm with at least two cows.... One fine morning they had to leave everything and migrate, taking shelter as unwanted guests in relative's houses or even in shanties. 

That pain of loss we will not understand who got everything in a platter. From that penny less point they did soar high in say 20 years and did win their lost pride. So when they speak of their past glory, we can give a patient ear, they feel happy. May be all of them were not zaminders in the truest sense but they lived in their own home & feed on their own produce! Our house helps in DumDum from "Naihatir Bou" to "Shibani Mashi" to "Paran er Maa Dida", everyone used to say they had landed properties with farmlands & diary farm!

Coming back to track, ever since we landed in this island, our mother would lament over phone that she cannot feed us mango from her garden. All attempts to convince her that we eat a lot of mangoes here which also grow in trees, goes in vein. I let her do n say all these as I understand all is done out of love. This evening I saw two slightly overripe mangoes in the refrigerator. I had to do something with them, family would not love to have them as a fruit. So I prepared this BAKED AAMRAS which took just few minutes to be prepared.

Mango : 2
Condensed Milk : 50 ml
Milk : 1 cup
Cornflour : 1 tsp
Green Cardamom Powder : 1/4 tsp
Pistachios : To garnish[optional]


Preheat the oven to 160* C. Mine is a convection mode microwave oven!

Peel the mangoes and get the pulp. Put the mango pulp, milk, sugar, condensed milk, cornflour and green cardamom powder in a blender.

Blend the mango pulp, milk, condensed milk and the green cardamom powder together.

Pour into  an ovenproof glassware.

Bake at 160* for about 20-25 minutes; placing the low height wired tool inside & atop it the mango filled glassware!

Stand for few minutes, take out and let cool.

Garnish with Pistachios, chill in the refrigerator for few hours & serve!


  1. Looks absolutely wonderful, Soma I love mango desserts!

  2. Oh, that was a lovely post, Soma!!! Love to read the annotation part of your recipes!!! The recipe itself is amazing. I have never heard about this dessert before! That must be very delicious! :) :) :)

  3. Thanks much...we really enjoyed it....with all the goodness of mango keeping intact

  4. Yana dear friend thanks so said mangoes are not so much available at your place...try with your favourite ripe fruit then dear

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  7. I have heard about aamras a lot.But never tried making them ..Thanks for the wonderful share soma

  8. this sounds delicious and a good way to use ripe mangoes...

  9. looks so good Soma.. Delicious!!

  10. Wow it looks really delicious. I would like to try this soon !!
