Saturday 18 July 2015


Returning back to this space after break is a pleasure. I enjoy writing the posts ever since the inception of this food blog. Cooking is a fun activity for me, it relieves my stress. My kitchen is my comfort zone, I am confident there. We should enjoy what we do.

I did not blog doesn't mean I stopped cooking, my mind was elsewhere. I cooked simple meals, felt happy when someone dear lovingly said, "when did my little daughter learn this much of cooking?" He forgot his little daughter is a middle aged woman at this time.

Today I thought of sharing a simple, a tasty and savoury appetiser. We need few ingredients to prepare this. It can be done in a jiffy if there are sudden guests at home. You can engage them with a plateful of these FISH FINGERS  accompanied by their choice of hard, soft drinks or with tea, coffee; thereafter you can plan for dinner.


Any Firm White Fish Fillet : 500 gm [I used Tilapia]
Lemon Juice : 4tbsp
Ginger Extract : 3tsp
Garlic Extract : 2tbsp
Salt : As required
Corn Flour : 2 tbsp
Refined Flour : 2 tbsp
Bread Crumb : 1 coffee mug
Crushed Black Pepper : 1/2 tsp
Oil : 200-250 ml [to deep fry]


Wash and cut the fillets into finger sized  shape. Marinate for an hour with salt, wash thoroughly thereafter!

Marinate them again with the lemon juice, ginger extract, garlic extract, crushed black pepper and salt.

Keep aside for an hour or two.

Take the bread crumbs on a plate.

Prepare a thick batter with the refined flour, corn flour, little salt and water.

Dip each fish piece in the batter mix and then coat with the bread crumbs. Repeat.

Refrigerate the dressed fish fingers for few hours.

Heat the oil in a wok!

Take out the dressed, uncooked fish fingers, deep fry them in batches until they turn golden brown. Keep the heat at low.
Put them onto tissue papers to get rid of the excess oil, then transfer onto serving plates.

Serve hot with your choice of sauces, dips, chutney  and salad.T had two slices of bread with cheese!We had it for dinner & he cannot have fries alone for dinner, neither fancy a salad!


  1. Yummy yummy! I add pinch of black pepper and chilli powder..yours looks perfect

  2. Thanks dear Anitha for the appreciations

  3. Fish fingers looks delicious, Soma !!

  4. I can feel the crisp textured fish fingers.. looking yummy
