Monday 3 August 2015


Any kind of Salsa suits the tropical climate. It leaves such a cooling effect on our body and mind. Salsa is the Spanish term for sauce. They are often tomato based, can be fruit based otherwise. Typically piquant, they range from mild to extremely hot. Used mainly as a dip, they can be extremely soothing on a hot summer day. [wiki] Have it with your favourite chips, you are sure to love it. I prefer a Fruit Salsa over a Vegetables Salad any day. Just the other day I saw some fresh pineapples in the supermarket. We get very good pineapples here, a couple of varieties are imported from Malaysia. The variety I usually get is the Sweet16 Pineapple. I do not know what attracts me towards them.... their freshness or the name. Jokes apart, I like the variety for it's sweetness. I made a big bowl of PINEAPPLE-CORN SALSA for our visiting friends yesterday. There had meaty appetisers too. It is easy to prepare a bowl of salsa with your choice of base, it has to be served chilled. If Salsa is easy and quick to make, why should one go for store bought ones. Let us do it.


Pineapple : 1small sized
Sweetcorn : 1/2 cup
Cherry Tomato : 1cup
Onion : 1medium
Green Chilli : 3
Coriander Leaves : 2 sprigs
Lemon Juice : 2 tbsp
Salt : As required


Skin, wash and cut the pineapple into cubes. Peel, wash and cube the onions.

Wash and cut the cherry tomatoes into halves.

Chop and wash the green chillies and coriander leaves. 

Take all the above ingredients in a bowl. Add the lemon juice and salt. 

Mix well with all the ingredients. Your PINEAPPLE-CORN SALSA is ready.

Refrigerate and serve chilled.


  1. I like colorful & healthy salsa .wonderful share .

  2. Colorful and loads of health...very nice recipe

    1. Anitha dear really refreshing it was...thanks sis

  3. Colorful and loads of health...very nice recipe

  4. Refreshing and healthy's wonderful post dear Soma :)

  5. Beautiful colours yet very healthy salsa recipe. Love the presentation !!

  6. wow..whatr a colorfula nd healthy salsa..looks too tempting..

  7. Love the name.. sweet 16 pineapples.. haha... such a refreshing salsa, absolute yumm
