Sunday 25 October 2015


Diwali is approaching, we are up for preparing homemade sweets. I was thinking of preparing something new, different from the usual ones we do at home. At times we love to be experimental in the kitchen. There are times when ideas pop up, we want to implement them and see how it comes. It is not that every time the result is satisfactory, a lot of blunders happen in my kitchen... but we can only learn through trial and error. There is no artificial colouring in this sweet. They are made of green peas, condensed milk and few dry fruits. Doing them I did not follow anyone else's recipe, followed my mind and the result was satisfactory. We will use little ghee while cooking it because we need to get rid of the raw smell of the green peas paste. I can assure you will only enjoy taking healthy bites at the end. Let us do it.


Above is the picture I clicked in 2015, this is 2024, I understand the importance of day light to do the clicks, I did not learn to click good though.


Green Peas : 200 gm
Sugar : 3 tbsp
Almond : 4-5
Pistachio : 4-5
Cashew : 4-5
Rose Water : 1 tsp
Oil : 3-4 tbsp [Using ghee / clarified butter gives a better flavour but I wanted it vegan too]


Wash the green peas and blend it to a paste in the blender together with the almonds, pistachios and cashews.

Heat the oil moderately in a wok. Pour the green peas paste and sugar, stir continuously at low heat for  7-8 minutes.

Keep stirring till it turns into a sticky consistency and tend to come out of the surface of the wok.

Add the rose water and fold in well.

Transfer the dough to a greased plate. Let cool a bit. Grease your hands with oil and shape as you desire.


  1. Wow this is really interesting and new variety of sweet to me Soma..beautiful recipe of peas barfi :)

    1. Thanks so much dear Jolly for the means so much....

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