Friday 2 October 2015


I have baked these goodies without any instructions following the self with lots of love. Long time back, while going through the internet for an eggless cake recipe I stopped by a Yogurt-Semolina cake. This time I thought let me try, the fear will never go otherwise. This self trained, home cook would definitely not bake like a baker unless she has that magical power in her hands. She doesn't claim she has that expertise. This blog was started intending to share simple, home cooked family recipes that she knows about. She gets overjoyed when people say, hey your recipes are simple, we need not go to the super market to buy the ingredients, they are at our arms' reach. This appreciation gives  her utmost pleasure. 

She keeps compiling recipes on behalf of the yesteryear ladies who had more of expertise but had no proper platform to showcase their talent. They did not have access to the modern gadgets, what they had were  patience, hard working ability, dedication and love for what they do.

These muffins are done in less than an hour, would pair well with your evening tea. Done with every thing available in your kitchen, it is hassle free too. Semolina, flour, yogurt, sugar, vinegar, oil, baking powder, lemon zest...these are what I did prepare eggless muffins earlier. I did the measurements independently for the first time. Hence, I felt extremely happy and definitely was satisfied with the outcome. Let us see how we do it.


Semolina : 1 coffee mug
Plain Yogurt : 1 & 1/2 coffee mug
Sugar : 1/2 coffee mug
Baking Powder : 1 tsp
Baking Soda : 1/2 tsp
Oil : 4 tbsp
Banana : 2 small or 1 standard sized
Vanilla Essence : 1 tsp


Mine is a convection mode microwave oven, the standard temperature is set at 160*C in it whilst in most of the machines it is set at 180*C. I preheated the oven at 160*C.

Make a powder of the semolina. Strain the powdered semolina, baking powder and baking soda, take in a bowl and mix well.

Blend together the banana, sugar, oil, yogurt well, add to the flour mix, fold in well.

Add the vanilla essence to the batter and mix well. Keep covered for half an hour.

If you are pouring the batter directly into the muffin trays, then grease the cups with a little of oil. I used aluminium foiled cup.

I baked them at the convection mode for 15 minutes at 160*C. 

Every machine has a different temperature set, time taken may differ a little. 

A coffee mug semolina would give nine muffins. Muffins do not have a smooth top but mine are super soft and tasting great.

Enjoy them warm with your your choice of beverage.


  1. Yummy yummy yummy. I loved the confidence with which you have baked these muffins. What I loved about this post is for the first time you are happy with the result of your baking, or everytime, we friends would simply adore your bake, but you would not be satisfied. The muffins look absolutely gorgeous. Yes they have been baked with a whole lot of deftness to absolute perfection. I love them to the hilt.

    1. Thanks so much perhaps have the rare ability to read minds....I was very happy that I could take the measurement all by myself....your beautiful words boost confidence dear

  2. These eggless yogurt semolina muffins look so gorgeous an delicious, Soma! YUM!

    1. Thanks a big bunch Anupama....always thankful to you...
