Tuesday 1 December 2015


The refrigerator had some watermelon and litchis lying inside  it requiring to be used up sooner. My family is not much of a fruit lover, I have to force feed them. The diabetic self is not allowed to have much of fruits. On the weekdays, I manage to pack some fruits for them, the pizza, burger lovers simply refuse to have fruits over the weekends. Hence, I have to think of using of them up wisely that would also be loved by my family. This week I prepared an eggless cake with pears and grapes, then topped it with a simple butter frosting. Though cliched, I love to admit in all my baking posts that I am a learner when it comes to baking. My cakes are the simplest ones that even kids can do. I am satisfied that I have done it all by myself without following any recipe. Let us do it.

INGREDIENTS : [for the cake]

Refined Flour : 1 coffee mug
Yogurt : 1 medium sized tea cup
Sugar : 5-6 tbsp
Baking Powder : 1 tsp
Baking Soda : 1/4 tsp
Vanilla Essence : 1tsp
Chopped Watermelon : 2-3 tbsp
Chopped Litchi : 2-3 tbsp
Chopped Dry Fruits : 2 tsp [of your choice]
Oil : 4 tbsp


Discard the skin and seeds of the litchis and watermelon, wash and chop. 

Sieve together the refined flour, baking powder, baking soda and semolina.

Blend together the oil, yogurt and sugar.

Add it to the flour mix little by little and beat the whole thing for  4-5 minutes to turn it into a smooth batter.

Add the chopped dry and fresh fruits and mix well.

Preheat the oven at 160*C. Grease a cake tin with oil and then dust with flour. I did not require to dust it as I did the cake in a glass bowl not requiring to transfer.

Pour the batter, it should not cover more than half of the cake tin.

Mine is a convection mode microwave oven. I have preheated it keeping the low height wired stool inside and then placed the cake tin atop it.

I baked the cake at 160* for 30 minutes. Insert a fork to check if it is done or not. If done, it will come out clean.

Let it cool and then turn it onto a plate. Mine was a glass bowl, I did not transfer it. 

For the best taste, serve and have it warm with a choice of beverage.


  1. An eggless cake using flour, semolina, yogurt and fresh fruits and topped with a simple butter-sugar frosting. It was soft and yum.

  2. I am big fan of fruits..It looks so delicious..Thanks for sharing lovely cake recipe dear :)
