Thursday 17 March 2016



Bengal's love for fish gets them using it in various vegetables regular. The heads of the fish or small sized prawns we fry and use in lentil curries, mixed vegetables and so on. Earlier when cabbage was available only in the winter, every Bengali home made good use of it. In our home, mom prepared both vegetarian and non vegetarian version of this veggie. Cabbage is Bandhakopi in Bengali. All of us would agree, this is an easy to do veggie. I find it pretty comfortable to prepare it, just shred and do the way you wish to. Badhakopir Ghonto is a common dish among us Bengalis. We do both the vegetarian and non vegetarian version of it. The vegetarian version we do with green peas, tomato and potatoes that tastes awesome with plain rice, Khichdi and chapati or paratha. The non vegetarian versions are done with fish head or smaller prawns. Cabbage with prawns is an absolute favourite for us, we call it Bandhakopi Chingrir Ghonto. It goes with steamed rice, well one can have with chapati too. I followed the family's recipe. Always use small prawns for this, I didn't get it this week.. Let us do Badhakopi Chingrir Ghonto together and enjoy with piping hot steamed rice.We can keep lentil curry and fries or a vegetable dish on the side.


Cabbage : 1 standard sized
Small Prawns : 250 gm
Tomato : 1 standard sized
Green Chilli : 2-3
Turmeric Powder : 1 tsp
Salt : As required
Sugar : 1 tsp
Cinnamon Powder : 3 pinches
Green Cardamom Powder : 2 pinches
Cumin Seeds : 3 pinches
Bayleaf : 1
Dry Red Chilli : 1
Oil : 4 tbsp


 Clean, de-vein and wash the prawns, apply salt and turmeric.

Throw the outer leaves of the cabbage and wash well. Shred thin and discard the hard mid-section.

Heat the oil in a wok. Fry the prawns lightly, take out & keep aside.

Temper the oil with the bay leaf, cumin seeds and the halved dry red chilli. Add the shredded cabbage. Add salt and turmeric powder. Stir and cover. Let cook for 8-10 minutes.

Remove the cover and add the washed & sliced tomato, the slitted green chillies. Stir and cover cook for another 10 minutes.

Remove the cover to add the fried prawns. Stir and cover cook for 3-5 minutes.

Remove the cover and add the sugar, green cardamom, cinnamon powder, cloves powder. Stir for 2-3 minutes.

It is done. We have it with steamed rice.


  1. Thank you for sharing a quick and easy recipe...

    1. Thanks so much Swati... a typical Bengali one....

  2. I feel like grabbing the plate and enjoy the meal...too good

  3. Surprising combination. Healthy so no debate. Will try out this combination when i get prawns next time

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Deepa... do you have non veg too...

    2. No only Veg food. But i have tasted all while doing my diploma in catering and hotel management. I'm not born vegetarian, as tasted all non veg stuff in my school days, but from last few years switched completely to vegetarian food .. and very happy and satisfied..
      Normally vegetarian - considered looking at non veg good as bad thing.. I'm not coming under that category...
      I love the good combo of veg and non veg that you prepare...

  5. As a restaurateur i mostly eat out, but mind always keeps comparing the taste with home cooked dishes. You sharing almost all my Fav dishes which makes me feel i grab it now:) thank you for sharing best dishes.
