Saturday 12 March 2016


Summer is already in full swing in this part of the world. There is no rain too in the past few days. The tropical heat calls for keeping the body hydrated and indulge in all kinds of cooling desserts. My junior is very fond of coolers. I do not allow him soft drinks much, instead there is always a supply of iced lemon tea, peach tea, cold coffee tetra packs. Mamma loves watching him moving around, opening the refrigerator and sipping them. It is weekend, the mamma thing usually prepares some desserts and sweets for the family. I think I am yet to master the art of making a super creamy, no churn ice cream. They remain a bit icy which worries me. Besides, I do not keep heavy cream always at home. Once open, they need to be used up quickly. Anyway, both men calls her fatso, if she keeps on adding cream on food.... imagine what is going to happen.

Considering all these factors, she sticks to ice lollies and kulfi for the weekend cool fiesta. So this week it is a simply made Malai Kulfi, trust me that only with two to three ingredients. She can take the liberty to say that her Malai Kulfi did taste rich and creamy, just as kulfi should. The owner of the simple kitchen loves simplicity. Any kind of show offs irritates her. That makes her a loner but how much she loves her own company, reading, music, cooking, her blog and having a trusted, qualitative few surrounding her. Coming back to the point, this  Malai Kulfi was made within an hour, leaving the freezing time. Let us do together, the creamy, rich Malai Kulfi.

Full Cream Milk : 1lt
Condensed Milk : 150 ml
Sugar : 2tbsp
Cardamom Powder : 1/4 tsp
Almond : 4-5
Pistachios : 4-5
Cashews : 6-7
Stick Ice cream moulds[I preferred doing the Malai Kulfi in them this time]

Pour the milk in a heavy bottomed pan. Let it boil. Once it comes to full boil, we need to monitor it to  avoid burning. So keep stirring at short intervals.

Dry roast the nuts a bit and crush into smaller pieces. I use a rolling pin to do it.

Once the milk is reduced about 40%, add the sugar. Stir and let boil for another 5 minutes. Stir in between.

Add the condensed milk and boil for 3-4 minutes stirring continuously. Add the cardamom powder and boil for a minute.

Switch off . Let cool and add the crushed nuts. Pour into the moulds. Tightly close the caps.

Put into the freezer for 8-10 hours. Our malai kulfi is ready to serve.


  1. I love kulfi, all kinds and malai is one of my favorites.Your malai kulfi looks incredible!

    1. Thanks so much dear Balvinder....we at home love too.....

    2. I love kulfi, last time I made, there were few ice cristles.

    3. Thank you... ice crystals should not be there if its kulfi.... we are not using water in it...

    4. My daughter loves kulfi, I shall try once, thanks for brilliant idea

  2. kulfi is one of my fav, this one looks so tempting..thanks for sharing :)

  3. Looks yummy, these are fav at home

  4. Love this recipe soma great presentation thanks for sharing.... :)

  5. This is just what we need now.. Such a beautiful share the addition of Condensed Milk in it. 

    1. Thanks so much Deepa... you always have nice words for me....
