Monday 21 March 2016


With the occasion of Holi around, I kept the curries aside and wished to share with you all some homemade sweets and shakes.... essentially Indian. In our family, we do not play Holi, but I keep some special prayer for my Laddu Gopal [younger avatar of Lord Krishna]. It is a an auspicious and fun filled day for us, India gets more colourful. Lord Krishna started playing Holi with his lady love Radha and the rest of India follow the tradition till date. 

Holi is also about celebrating the spring. The beautiful colours of nature during this period is brought alive ..... we play with the colours with our loved ones. My wish to visit two places during Holi is yet to be fulfilled.... Vrindavan and Shantiniketan. The former celebrates Krishna's love for Radha and the later, colours of spring.


It is a little tweaked version of the popular Indian pancake, eggless. Many homes dunk it in sugar syrup before serving, my family does not! This variant of doing it with sweet potatoes is not common. We usually prepare a couple of sweet meats / snacks / pithe with sweet potatoes. I thought let me try malpua with sweet potatoes, hence this. The sweet potato malpua I prepared are perfect for your dessert cravings, just indulge guilt free, we are not having it everyday. Let us enjoy doing together SWEET POTATO MALPUA.

INGREDIENTS : [for the malpua]

Sweet Potato : 3medium
Refined Flour : 1small cup
Semolina : 1small cup
Rice Flour : 1/4small cup
Sugar : 1/4small cup
Milk : 1big cup [boiled to a medium thickened consistency]
Water : 1medium cup
Fennel Seeds : 2tbsp
Black Peppercorns : 1tbsp [optional]
Oil : 100-150ml + 1tsp


Peel, wash and boil the sweet potatoes. Once cool, mash them nicely.

In a big bowl soak the semolina in the water for an hour. Add the mashed sweet potatoes, refined flour, rice flour, 1tsp oil and the milk. Mix well. There should not be any lump present.

Add the sugar, black peppercorns and fennel seeds. Keep in rest for an hour, let the sugar to melt. The consistency of the batter should not be running, neither be a paste. A dropping consistency rather. It looks as below.

Heat the oil in a wok. Bring it to the smoking point and then lessen it to minimum, after a minute we will fry the first malpua; we will use a round ladle to pour the batter. The heat has to be adjusted from time to time. Look at the picture below.

Take out and place onto tissue papers for sometime before serving. It tastes wow, both fresh and stale! After frying, you can further add it to a sugar syrup, we do not!


  1. Ranga Aloor Malpua, my favourite. Oh dear me they look simply irresistable. I am so unable to concentrate on anything else this morning. Your gorgeous Malpuas keep coming back in front of my eyes again and again. You have made them so perfectly. Soft and oozing out sweet liquid, with a hint of fennel, I so wish I could eat a few now. Tasty tasy.

    1. Thanks so much for the beautiful words Piyali... for me they are excellent confidence booster ... thank you always.... ranga aloo r pithey puli ki priyo amader....

    2. Aar pathiye dilam tomar jonyo kouto bhorey

  2. These malpuas sound and look so delicious Soma! Loved the addition of sweet potatoes.

    1. Thank you Deepa, we Bengalis prepare a number of sweets with sweet potatoes.

  3. Hi Soma, this looks really delicious... Thanks for sharing the recipe…

  4. This is an interesting sweet treat. Never heard of but looks divine, similar to our local kuih keria.

    1. yes, this is famous in India.... we usually do with maida,suji, milk and coconut.... sometimes add banana or sweet potato.... try with condensed milk or icecream u will love....

  5. never tried with sweet potato...looks yumm... will try it for sure...

    1. Amrita try with ranga aloo it will be softer...

  6. Potato malpua is new to me, and love delicious and beautiful they look! :)

    1. Thanks Anupama, this is sweet potato what we call Ranga Aloo...
