Wednesday 1 June 2016


Yes,  one of our thirty three million Gods and Goddesses does love to have non vegetarian in her offerings. She is Goddess Kali. Each time I prepare this, I remember how I loved to read the stories of the Bengal Robbers / Dacoits who worshipped the Goddess Kali. It is then I came to know about this preparation. They used to offer a goat to Goddess Kali and after the successful loot cooked it without onion and garlic, offered to her and finally feasted on it. Everything was done in their hideouts in the woods. I loved everything about those stories, how they used to hide their loots which used to be big pots filled with "mohor"[gold coins] and the adventures associated with them. 

Though I love mutton, this killing part which was / is called "patha boli" disturbed me mentally. Now rules got stricter, no killing is legal in the festival venue. To keep in tune with the ritual, the organisers offer a vegetable to the Goddess and then get the mutton from the market. If you are lucky enough and have the patience of standing in a long queue, you may get a small piece of prasadam. In a number of zaminder families too the ritual is still followed. I cannot go further with it as it requires a lot of research which I do not do. There may be other opinions about the origin of it. Bengal did have a number of ferocious and famous robbers some of whom were kind of Robin Hood. I have watched the movie "Debi Choudhurani" a couple of times, a movie based on a dacoit queen, the character made immortal by Suchitra Sen.

This No Onion No Garlic Mutton Curry which we call "Maa er Prashadi Mangsho" is done with normal spices that are used in a normal Bengali household. The amount of Bengali Garam Masala that is a mix of cinnamon, cloves and green cardamom powder used is a bit more in this curry as we are not using garlic or onion paste in this dish. I have used lemon juice for the marination though I doubt whether it was used in the original recipe or not. Let us do this No Onion No Garlic Mutton Curry together.


Mutton : 1kg
Ginger Paste : 2tbsp
Red Chilli Powder : 2-3tsp[authentically paste]
Cumin Powder : 1tsp[authentically paste]
Coriander Powder : 1tsp[authentically paste]
Turmeric Powder : 1tsp
Salt : As Required
Cinnamon Powder : 1/4tsp
Green Cardamom Powder : 1/4tsp
Cloves Powder : A pinch or two
Bayleaf : 2small
Lemon Juice : 2tbsp
Oil : 4tbsp + 2tbsp[authentically mustard]


Wash the mutton thoroughly discarding the skin and any residual hair. Marinate with half of the chilli powder, cumin powder, coriander powder, turmeric powder, salt, lemon juice and 2tbsp of mustard oil. Rub well for 2-3 minutes and refrigerate for at least 4-5 hrs or overnight in a closed container.

Take out the mutton an hour before cooking. Heat 4tbsp oil in a wok. Temper the oil with bay leaves. Add the ginger paste and fry for 2 minutes.

Add the remaining cumin powder, coriander powder, red chilli powder, turmeric powder, salt as required. Stir at low heat for a minute. Add the marinated mutton with the marinade and fold in well.

Stir the mutton at high heat for 5 minute. Reduce the heat to minimum and cover. Open cover at short intervals and stir, cover again. A lot of water will be released which will take about 45-55 minutes to dry.

At this stage, add 2 medium cups of warm water. Stir and cover cook for another 10-15 minutes. Open cover and add the cinnamon, green cardamom and cloves powder. Stir and let cook for another 3-4 minutes. Its done.

Transfer to a serving bowl and enjoy with piping hot steamed rice.



  1. No onion no garlic is a new thought ...interesting ....but any meat preparation ....garlic not only gives just flavour but also the medical benefits....

    1. Yes... but this particular preparation is done this way..... thank you..

  2. All long as it is mutton curry, my knees will wobble and my saliva will drip. Must come over to your place one day and try Soma.

    1. You are most welcome Navaneetham... anyday... thanks... me too love mutton so much

  3. Since I love chicken more tgan mutton, can this type of preparation be done with chicken too?

    1. Yes off course..... I do it with chicken too....

  4. Never thought of this way, thanks you always stand out with your recipes. And when it's PRASAD for MA it need to be SPECIAL.I love mutton!!
