Sunday 16 October 2016


Marasim.... meaning relationship or connection.... however reluctant I am about building networks or connections with the world, my 'Marasim' with poetry, novels, music, nature strengthens with each passing day. As of now, my headphone takes me to an ethereal musical journey of Gulzaar saab and late Jagjit Singh ji duo's Marasim album... the cool breeze is adding more to the mood. Been a Sunday, a statutory warning also breaks the silence, "you will spoil your ears now." When the environment calls for some kind of romanticism, if someone acts otherwise, how would you feel? I do not know about you all, but I have always felt myself secured in the two trusted hands which I know will never leave mine, for whom the old lady is surviving in a world peacefully that neither did understand her, nor she could understand it's ways. Looking back, the daddy of the house got her lots of books, the mom protected her within the warmth of her arms, failing to teach their loving daughter how to deal with the world. The lazy little girl loved to be in the cocooned shell, never willing to learn the nitty gritty of life.... The brother was never bothered about anything beyond games; physical or in the computer.

Is that little girl, now an old lady, now a mother of a weird son  had a troubled life? Not really, the son-in-law took charge in time and with elan..... Is she naive as they say? She thinks she is no more that... the once naive and innocent girl is actually a confused, silly being, lost in her own utopian world... a warm, cosy, easy- peasy world... Her weekend conversation is always as this.... bossy I lack common sense right? The person on the other side who never spoke ill of his lady, would ask me to stop thinking too much, take things as it comes. He asks to learn to ignore, the world does not work our way. The little girl living within the tired physical being feels secured sitting beside the uber cool, confident person, Gulzar saab's lyrics lingers on 'Chulhe Nehi Jalaye, Basti Hi Jal Gayi'...... The otherwise quiet, yet a stubborn lady reaffirms.... whatever may come... one needs to be graceful... been wild at others is not her forte. She will do what she thinks is right.

Did I sit to write a recipe?.... I hope so, a busy Monday ahead, I preferred to do the write up this evening. This bhindi / okra curry with a considerable amount of yogurt is surely a vegetarian delight. Have it with roti, paratha or rice, you will love it.... I have used more yogurt and less of spices for the dish. I completely omitted the garlic paste, you can use though. Let us cook this easy peasy Dahi Bhindi / Doi Bhindi Curry together. I believe my recipe is not the way how the rest of the Indians or South Asia would cook their Dahi Bhindi. The yogurt in this island curdles whilst cooking, I add sugar & gram flour a bit, yet.


Okra / Bhindi [lady finger] : 250 gm
Plain Yogurt : 1 small tea cup
Onion Paste : 2 tbsp
Ginger Paste : 1tsp
Green Chilli Paste : 1 tsp
Cumin Seed : 1/4 tsp
Bay Leaf : 1
Turmeric Powder : 1/4 tsp
Coriander Powder : 1/2 tsp
Cumin Powder : 1/2 tsp
Dry Mango Powder : 1/2 tsp
Salt : As Required
Sugar : 1/2 tsp
Gram Flour : 1/2 tsp
Oil : 2tbsp


Wash and dry the bhindis. Discard the ends, cut half. Rub with some salt and the turmeric powder.

Add all the powdered spices, sugar & gram flour to the yogurt and beat thoroughly.

Heat the oil in a wok and temper with the cumin seeds and bay leaf. Add the onion & ginger pastes, a little of salt and fry for 3 minutes.

Add the marinated okra / bhindi / ladies fingers, fold in well. Cover cook for 5-6 minutes, sprinkling a little of water every 2 minutes. 

Beat the yogurt with sugar, gram flour, cumin+coriander+dry mango powders and add to the wok. Gently give a stir. Cook at low heat for 3-4 minutes, we should be done.

Serve hot with roti, paratha or rice.


  1. Interesting affirmation of thoughts in the intro. Also, I will never doubt the deliciousness of this curry. Love the addition of yoghurt.

  2. Curry looks tangy and Delicious, and ya nice write up

  3. Love this bhindi dish... I will surely give it a try...

  4. Love anything with Okra .. My fav:)
