Monday 24 October 2016


Diwali is at the doorsteps, hence many of us would wish to give the world dishes just appropriate for the festive season, be it sweet or otherwise. At home too, the celebration mode / mood is on since the Durga Pooja. During the olden golden days, our celebration started from Durga Pooja and went on till Bhai Phota / Bhai Duj . Between this period, whosoever visited our home were treated with homemade goodies.... essentially snacks and sweets... 

The Bhai Phota day was always full of fun...  our mom's brothers and  our cousin brothers would visit.... though the circle was incomplete as some relatives lived far off and never could make it..... Fun, Food, Crackers made our lives happier. Though I am an individualistic, pretty self centric, I do believe a joint family system has it' s own advantages. Being together feels good if we can respect each other's space..... which is again an utopia.

I am quite awestruck to see my blogger friends sharing lovely Diwali dishes. I was thinking of starting with a simple savoury snack that can be made quickly and stored for a couple of days without getting spoiled. Hence, these spicy twister fries. These fries are made with whole-wheat flour adding few spices, and the nigella seeds. Let us do the Spicy Twister Fries together  and treat well our family and friends this Diwali..... Here in this island, a similar snack is sold, pretty popular.


Whole-Wheat Flour : A big cup full [You may use refined flour too]
Nigella Seed [kalonji] : 1 tsp
Cumin Powder : 1/2 tsp
Coriander Powder : 1/2 tsp
Red Chilli Powder : 1 tsp
Salt : As Required
Sugar : 2 tsp
Oil : 100 ml [for frying] + 1 tbsp


Take all the ingredients except for the oil meant for frying in a bowl and rub well for 2-3 minutes.

Add water little at a time, knead to form a dough. Keep kneading for about 10 minutes until the dough is ready and a bit tight. A softer dough may make the fries soggy.

Keep covered for about 15 minutes. Remove the cover and knead for another 2-3 minutes.  

Tear off smaller portions and do as is shown in the pictures above. It is easy. Once done, again give a twist to each.

Make warm the rest of the oil in a wok. We will add the uncooked snacks when the oil is just warm and not hot. 

Fry the spicy twisters slowly, changing sides in batches and transfer onto tissue papers.

Once cool we can store them in airtight containers for a week without refrigerating.


  1. Spicy + twister + fries - I am on the go for this crunchiness,

  2. These look delicious, thank you for the recipes.

  3. Very Nice Blog I Have Read Your Blog It Is Really Interesting And Useful.Thank you so much.

  4. How amazing post you have shared . So much thank guy for your blog .
