Thursday 17 November 2016


In our home, weekends call for a sweet and I love doing them, the simple ones though. The Indian supermarket here has an array of packaged sweets air flown from India. I do buy the dry varieties at times when there are special occasions or prayers at home. Once a friend told the sugar syrup of the tinned sweets has bacteria. Ever since I try to prepare sweets fresh at home. There is also a sweet shop in the Indian Market selling fresh sweet. I do buy them whenever I visit that area, however I miss the touch of that professional hands in the making, not like what we get back home. 

West Bengal's sweets are famous worldwide. Off course, we do not get the winter special date palm jaggery sweets anywhere here, for that we have to travel a few hundred kilometres which I feel is worth it. Until then, my men have to be happy with whatever little I can do.

The fresh fruits are kept at home to pack along with their lunch boxes. The peculiar duo will eat fruits only that way, if given at home they will not touch. In all of these years, I am adjusted to such things and play my own tricks as and when required. I do eat fruits but has been prescribed not to eat much. This morning I saw its about to be the weekend, yet there are a few leftover fruits that needs to be used. Everything has a shelf life. 

Not in a mood to do elaborate cooking these days, I planned for this Fresh Fruit Stuffed Sweet. We can do the stuffing with any fruit but not with the one with too much of water content. Take note that the fruits have to be sweet. I used bread because the coverage of the sweet had to be little harder as it is a no cook one. Moreover, it will be stuffed with fresh fruits, hence should be firmer than our usual sweets. I have provided stepwise pictures for the entire process. Let us prepare this Fresh Fruit Stuffed Sweet together. I tried with a little amount of ingredients, you can adjust as required.

INGREDIENTS : [for homemade Khoya / Mawa / Semi-Solidified Milk]

Milk : 1/2 small tea cup
Milk Powder : 4 tbsp
Sugar : 2 tsp
Ghee / Clarified Butter : 2 tbsp

INGREDIENTS : [for the sweet]

Homemade Khoya Kheer : As we get
Bread : 3 slices
Chopped Orange: 1 tbsp 
Chopped Grapes : 1 tbsp
Chopped Apple : 1 tbsp
Ghee / Clarified Butter : 1 tbsp
Garnish as you wish or do not
Any other fruits can be used with less of water content, I did with what I had at home


Usually, we need not add sugar to make this instant Khoya but in this recipe, we will do it. Adding the sugar to the dough is not recommended. 

We will mix together the milk, milk powder, sugar & ghee, microwave for 3-4 minutes. We must pause after every 30 seconds, stir.

We will heat 1tbsp ghee in a frying pan. We will cut the sides of the bread slices and toast both sides brown. 

Once cool, we will tear and add the bread pieces to the khoya kheer. We will mix and knead well. We will leave it like that for 15 minutes.

We will wash and chop the fruits. We will knead the dough again, tear off smaller portions.

Cristine made pockets, filled with the cut fruits, closed and made round balls of them.


  1. Well done, saved the fruits and here we have this amazing sweet treat with fruits. I sure am learning new inventions.

    1. Thank You Navaneetham.... I so much hate wastage...

  2. Amazing sweet treat..loved it chef Soma 😍👌

  3. Amazingly creative and perfect to satisy my sweet tooth!

    1. Thank you Anitha... after a long time...good to see...

  4. Totally love this sweet Soma.. This is so healthy and nice !!

  5. Hi, Soma I am a big fan of yours. I like your innovative ideas and recipes...this looks delicious..:)

    1. Thank you Swati...... like ur cooking so much too....
