Friday 27 January 2017


It is a long weekend for us starting today. If you are thinking these pooris are made this morning you are wrong. The senior at home does not like elaborate breakfasts anymore. Gone are the days when he loved a plateful of luchi / poori / paratha / chapati with a vegetable bowl accompanied by a sweet. That does not mean he has stopped loving them, I had to change the schedule a bit. As I told earlier, my family does not go by the healthy rule of having a heavy breakfast, light lunch and lighter dinner. After all day, we meet together at dinner and love to have the best meal of the day then, that too at 10 pm. 

This weird, happy family does not go by any rule, each one of us love our freedom  and give due respect to each other's space. I love them and try to stir up dishes they love. The son would leave home for higher studies in few years, the very thought plagues me! How to survive without my child moving around me? Then, human beings adjust to any situation! My concern is my child's security & well being, if he stays hale & hearty, I  would remain happy!

It may not sound healthy, but it is during the dinner time that I prefer doing different kind of Indian breads for my men. This coriander poori was done on such a day. I usually serve them with one vegetarian and one non-vegetarian side. At times, there is also a sweet and dessert bowl to accompany. This coriander poori is not a stuffed one. I have used chopped fresh coriander leaves in the dough itself. That prevents the puffed breads getting fluffy, I had to struggle to. Let us prepare this easy, peasy and yum Coriander Poori together. I have tried to provide stepwise pictures for the entire process.


Whole Wheat Flour : 1coffee mug
Semolina : 1/2 coffee mug
Fresh Coriander Leaves[chopped] : 1 small tea cup full
Salt : 1/2 tsp
Oil : 100-150ml [or as required to deep fry] + 2 tbsp


Take both the wheat flour and the semolina in a wide mouthed vessel. Add the salt, mix together well.

Now add 2 tbsp oil and coriander leaves, rub well for 2-3 minutes. 

Add the water little by little and keep kneading until it's smooth, yet tight. Cover it for half an hour; remove the cover and knead again for 2-3 minutes!

Now make balls tearing smaller portions from the dough.

Roll each into round shaped poori with the help of a rolling pin and base.

Heat the rest of the oil in a wok and fry each poori on both sides until crisp. Take out draining the excess oil.

Serve hot with choice of your sides and pickle.


  1. Adding coriander to poori .. wow..This is an awesome idea!!

  2. Kudos Soma. Compared to the only plain poori I've tried, this is definitely elevated to another level.

  3. Poori looks super tempting. Perfect breakfast for this season.

  4. Hi just made this today but forgot to add oil to the dry flour. The end result was quite stiff puris. Taste was delicious though!!

    1. Thanks for trying my recipe! You have already diagnosed the issue, we are to add oil to the flour, rub for sometime then add water to knead well and get a smooth dough, cover for sometime before rolling and frying!
