Wednesday 8 February 2017


I think I should stop all the big talks I do about health, it does not match with my activities at home. With two tablespoon of rice if I have eight to ten fries, people will definitely ask me to shut my mouth soon. Well, we do not always practice what we preach, though we should. Our Cristine is tired of the same question .... dear do you find me a little less? Her innocent answer would be that it is same as last month. The heavy hearted self wants to say some lies are harmless dear. Looking at the mirror I can see piled up stubborn fat in the arms and tummy. My senior would say "stop worrying, be happy, you cannot or need not be Priyanka Chopra". He is jealous actually because he knows the wife is not a dependable kind of, dated many right from her teen.... Imran Khan to Wasim Akram to Pranoy Roy to the magnanimous Big B. Of them all, it was the Little Master who ruled my heart. 

Loving Gavaskar, I loved Cricket, I am not at all a sporty kind. I was in standard 8, and he was supposed to be present at the Aajkaal ]Bengali Newspaper] stall that day at the Book Fair. I went with an equally mad friend... Dalia. We stood in the front row with an autograph book and pen and told each other if lost we will meet at the Vostok stall's entrance. We knew there will be a ruckus but never imagined the magnitude would be of that amount. Everyone were shouting Sunny-Sunny! The Little Master rushed towards the stage, me too with hundreds of others. I could grab his shirt and no wonder the police would start using sticks. I fell from the steps, with deep bruises both of us friends were given first aid at the Calcutta Police Booth .... and the autograph book was lost... Within a week I wrote him a letter, the answer did I get after three years when in 11th standard. Today I cannot think of facing a policeman, not even for the Little Master .... I am aging....

I was sad for many days after Sunil Gavaskar retired, the letter was a typed one with his genuine signature. I keep cooking for my men and remember such incidents from the past! The man is a silent and indulgent observer of his wife's madness, the son hardly has any interest in what I do. Fries and fritters are a regular kind of thing at my home. We love it either as an appetiser or as a sides with lentil and rice. Phoolkopir Bora / Gobi Pakora / Cauliflower Pakora are quite regular at our home. Yesterday two of my friends came over tea..... they do not know each other, i felt they are of same nature, quiet and composed.... so let me introduce them to each other and the three of us can often meet. One is a North Indian and another South Indian.... and my Filipino Cristine made both happy with tea and coffee respectively. Nonetheless to say, all of us rocked over Phoolkopir Bora that was served with a homemade Raw Mango Achar / Pickle. Let us do them together.

INGREDIENTS : [for the achar / pickle]

Raw Mango : 2-3 big
Mustard Seed : 1/2 tsp
Sugar : 1/2 small cup
Cumin Seed : 1 tbsp
Coriander Seed : 1 tbsp
Fennel Seed : 1 tsp
Carom Seed : 1/2 tsp
Dry Red Chilli : 3-4
Turmeric Powder : 1/4 tsp
Salt : As Required
Mustard Oil : 2 tbsp

INGREDIENTS : [for the phoolkopir bora]

Cauliflower : A medium sized
Rice Flour : 1small cup
Gram Flour : 2-3 tbsp
Turmeric Powder : 1/2tsp
Red Chilli Powder : 1/2tsp
Salt : As Required
Sugar : 1 tsp
Oil : 100-150ml to fry


Let us prepare the MANGO PICKLE at first!

For the pickle,  peel, half and discard the seed of the mangoes. Chop into smaller pieces and wash. Heat  the oil in a pan. Temper with mustard seeds. Add the chopped mangoes, turmeric powder, a little of salt. and a cup of water. 

Cover and cook for few minutes at low heat till they are soft. 

Add the sugar, stir and let it melt. Cook until the mixture gets sticky.

Dry roast all the seeds and the dry red chillies, grind to a coarse powder. Add to the pickle and mix well.

For the CAULIFLOWER FRITTERS, cut the cauliflower into medium florets, wash and soak in hot water for half an hour. Discard the water and add salt to them, let stand marinated for few minutes.

Prepare the batter with the two flours, turmeric, red chilli powder, nigella seeds, sugar and salt. Add water little by little to get a paste like consistency.

Heat the  oil in a wok. Coat the florets well in the batter, discard the salty marinade.

Fry at minimal to low heat until all the sides become brown and crisp.

Once done keep on the tissue papers. Serve hot with your choice of condiment, I served with the mango pickle this time.


  1. Have to make it soon, have been postponing it all the time, mouthwatering pics

  2. I eat anything and everything, but like I always believe, everything is about moderation. Why not to this fried stuff paired with the achar. Yum and pass me some please.

  3. This is so lovely.. Drooling over the pics!!

  4. Both the dish looks so tempting..I love fritters especially with vegetables & no words for pickle I just loved it...Beautiful share chef 👌😘

    1. Thank you so much dear Jolly for been there always for me...

  5. Priya @asmallbite
    Lovely share,drooling here...

  6. Will it taste different if we cut out the refined flour?

    1. Not really, in that case increase the amount of gram flour n rice flour

  7. I would like to make a lot and freeze them. Before serving, I would reheat them in the oven. Did anyone tried?
