Friday 18 October 2019


I am just awake from a nightmarish dream an hour back or so. These days what happens is that I wake up as early as 4am or 5am, brush my teeth, come to the living room, do some kuchikoo to the sleeping husband only to get bludgeoned and then doze off again for an hour or so. This means the body requires more sleep, the above however does not mean we are in a strenuous relationship neither our home has that amount of space crunch, two double beds awaits him but my husband loves his television set more than anything else, moreover, he thinks his nocturnal nature may cause me disturbance. Because I found my father in him and including few other reasons, I could not get too romantically inclined towards him ever, I married my best buddy only to discover one day that you cannot reveal everything to your husband, beyond a point. In this context, I liked that particular article published in Tweak India some 3-4 days back, did you read? I may not follow the page but a lot of it's shares are useful, educative, most importantly they are of varied nature and taste. I definitely would visit the page on a regular basis. Why was today's morning time dream so frightening? I saw Cristine got to be a rebel and called a masseur at home without my permission, when I asked, she behaved weird. That is when I woke up and to this sunny sight. I urged Cristine for my morning cuppa and captured it only to realise once again that I am not good at it, a hand phone how much of pricy it is may not be a true photographer's favourite tool. Look at our boy, he came and blocked the view and I decided to finish off quick with this vegetarian condiment, chutney.... sauce with tamarind paste, Aci Sivri Pepper which the Wiki says is a Turkish heirloom cayenne pepper variety. I have named it TAMARIND CHILLI CHUTNEY, we are having it as a sauce.

I must finish off quick, I have some plans. Yesterday, I spotted a steel bangle that caught my fancy, the elderly gentleman did not comply to my request of a 5$ discount and I did not buy it. Back home I felt I should have. I may go today, most of my sarees demand oxidised toned jewelry, I am unwilling to buy always the silver ones for few hundred dollars. The lady at Gahonaz has a good collection and the best thing about her is she sells class stuffs at a "reasonable price.".... at the same price of Chamba Lama.... that is a very good thing about her. Well, her public avatar as a shrewd business woman does not catch my fancy, in private she will always remain a younger sister. Had not she being what you see her as, she could not have been a successful business woman, same is the case with the lady at My D-sign sarees with aesthetics. I continue to be their client as they know my choice and give me stuffs at decent prices.The reason why the husband says to his wife to forget the idea of starting a food home delivery business is the above, he knows his wife the best. This self has a major amount of "kath Bangal" traits in her, she is learning to be smart in public the hard way but can you ever change your real self.... the best we can do is to stay aloof, maintain a distance. So, what should be my course of action today? I may either swim down below in the condo pool, take shower, do the prayer and set off in a knee length tunic or I may set off in my walking shoes till the Indian market, have a ghee pongal meal at A2B and compare it's taste with that of Anand Bhavan's, catch a metro from there to that shop. This island is spoiling our habit spoon feeding us. The husband invested in a car only when he knew the government will not remove that extra stamp duty on the foreigners that they have to pay while buying a flat, after knowing that his son is willing to pursue his higher studies in a different land. His savings needed an outlet he felt, I do not understand such big things, I am happy if you let me be. Why should I stay at home? The son does not listen to me, he is coughing but will not visit the doctor neither will have the medicine mumma gives. Instead of causing myself irritation, I should set out. His father fails to discipline him because he does not hail from a disciplined home, that is another cause of my irritation. Surprisingly, the sibling duo did not stray. He listens to Cristine didi a bit, our mother definitely could not have managed with such kinds, we were obedient, the brother still is. Let me go out after I am done with this lovely vegetarian condiment TAMARIND CHILLI CHUTNEY that you may enjoy with your snacks.


BIG FAT RED CHILLI : 12-15 [I used Aci Sivri variety]
SUGAR : 1SMALL TEA CUP [I used stevia powder]
BENGALI PANCH PHORON : [I took 1/4tsp each of cumin, fennel, fenugreek, nigella, wild celery, black mustard seeds]
VINEGAR : 100-150ML


Wash, discard the stem end of the chillies. Soak them for an hour or two in hot water.

Take the tamarind paste in a bowl and soak in some water for 1/2 an hour {it always comes with the seeds here}.

Mean while, dry roast the spices mentioned under "Bengali Panch Phoron" and dry grind to a coarse powder.

Strain the soaked tamarind paste with seeds to get rid of the seeds.

We have already discarded the water from the red chillies, torn them and added to the blender.

We have added the black salt, chaat masala, cumin powder, coriander powder, dry roasted and ground "Bengali Panch Phoron", sugar or stevia, vinegar to the blender. We have scrapped the sides. 

We will close the lid and blend for a minute. We will open the lid, scrape the sides, add more vinegar if only required to get a smooth paste, remember we will not add any amount of water to it.

Blend again to get a smooth paste, always pause and blend.

Once done wait for an hour, use a funnel to pour the sauce into a sterilised bottle.

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