Friday 14 February 2020


Its being long I have not shared a recipe of "bhajabhuji", that is fritters or did I? I think I did one less than a month back. The truth is I wish to fry something every night and have it with "dal bhaat." In that case I would again hit the obese tag from the now overweight. The male members in the family would waste all the vegetarian dishes cooked once they get fries on their plate. Health is the biggest concern, so I resist myself. Anyway, consumption of oil is no less in this family and then this sedentary lifestyle. The junior most is at home today, right in the morning he is in front of the television. He watches weird stuffs about which I have no idea. So much is my lack of interest in them that I fail to understand if it is a movie or a game.

I am been pushed to the corner where his father sits whilst at home. You can see early morning how the curtains are drawn. It feels asphyxiated but way more worser days are approaching when I have to live without him, his weird self. I do not think anything else can give me some comfort from this thought. If only he honed the same feeling. People at this home hardly get emotional bouts like me. I did an egg noodles meal for them this morning. It went to the lunch box of the senior, his snack box has a chocolate-pumpkin seed bread and mango which he is asked to eat on reaching the office but eats in the evening. The entire morning he is on black tea and coffee. A 20kg underweight person does intermittent fasting this way. The junior most  will have a chocolate pastry & mango in a short while, told us in the morning that he will not go to the school. He has to eat the reheated noodles for lunch. I shall have a small bowl of the noodles and a piece of a chocolate-pumpkin seed bread I got home yesterday with either Boh or Jasmine Tea after an hour from now.

Oh yes! I went for a pedicure & manicure session yesterday afternoon. For the first time I tried this Black Nail Polish and liking it. My sleep pattern is so wrongful that it smudged when I was taking a nap in the couch back home. I do not go for gel polishes looking at the price tag. Leave that, preparing this chicken pakora KUCHO MURGIR BORA with minced chicken, spices, onion & green chilli; thereafter sharing the recipe with my readers is more of a thing of joy to me.

I have lot more important things in my life than celebrating days I do not believe in or may be they are meaningless in my life. Many a things around feel stupid to me, I am more concerned about what actually the over confident, casual junior most is doing behind the close doors. Is he studying at all? Okay, it is true that he cleared the SAT with decent scores. In front of my eyes he is not behaving what generally a sincere student would do at this time. Now he is watching a movie on World Wars.

Do you think any sincere student would waste time in this manner? I cannot concentrate in the post. In this darkness, my head is spinning. The morning light is a very beautiful thing to savour. Actually, I am totally opposite the nature of the people at this home. They do not take interest in what I enjoy, neither I take in their's. Television causes me irritation unless it is a my kind of movie streaming. However, there are few meals we enjoy together; be it in a restaurant or the meals I prep up at home. On that particular day, which was first of February, I prepared these minced chicken fritters KUCHO MURGIR BORA in addition to few other ingredients and served it with turmeric rice & salad.

Okay, people seems restless like me, someone left the World War thing midway and my food has also arrived. In the first given chance, I have let in some sunlight, the headache vanished.

No, we are not looking for a new rental later around September, shall be continuing staying here for another two years. I so wished to shift  a little towards the interior, rent a bigger flat with a decent balcony to plant more. People at this home may tell you that whatever they do they do it for me. Do not go by that, moreover I am too old and tired to get back with the same cliched words, "bou sundori ba rojgerey holey tar kathai uthti boshti." I have known in all these years that what they decide they shall do, I better live my life in which they will not interfere. If a "bou", aka wife does not have a look or a job, then they definitely should have a "voice", "dojjal hotey hobey." I do not have any of the above three qualities, neither my mother has / had. The little effort we give in the household holds no importance these days, we can be easily replaced by "FoodPanda", "Swiggy", etc. Then, there must be something that holds us together or have held my parents together. Neither of us siblings or the junior most at this home felt / feels threatened of being a product of broken homes. I would wish to end with this note, "do not break homes for the heck of a reason, life never comes as a platter of desserts." If it is not a case of infidelity or mistrust, try to adjust.


CHOPPED CORIANDER : 3TBSP [I forgot or was running out of it]
OIL : 100ML-150ML [To deep fry]


Wash the minced chicken under running water taking it in a big strainer. Let the water drain. Now marinate it with the turmeric, little salt and lemon juice taking it in a bowl.

Keep aside covered for an hour. After an hour, remove the cover.

To it now add the cumin powder, coriander powder, garam masala powder, dry mango powder, chopped onions and green chillies, chopped coriander [if using]. 

I use my washed hands to mix things while Cristine always uses spatula or a spoon. I am that primitive.

Thereafter, add the corn flour and gram flour, adjust the salt. Mix the entire thing very well.

Keep aside covered for 10-15 minutes. Open cover. Heat oil in a wok. Make small balls and place gently on the oil.

Continuously adjust the heat to avoid burning in the exterior whilst inside it is still undone. Our first few always get overdone.

Keep turning over while you are still doing them. Once done, place onto tissues for 3-4 minutes.

Serve hot with your choice of salad / chutney / pickle / hot or cold beverages / hard or soft drinks. 

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