Wednesday 15 April 2020


Where on earth are the ice-cream parlours open now I do not know, what is more important is do we at all have the mind to go and get some gelato or ice-cream from the parlour? What ever little excess I am doing, I am doing it at home. By excess, I mean what is not required for our sustenance at this time. However, desserts are a regular affair at this home. I try different combinations of fruits; dried or fresh while doing them wanting to avoid the use of sugar as much as possible so that I can have it. This frozen dessert with dates, cashew nuts and milk KHEJUR KULFI is sugar free. Dates are naturally sweet. Going by my mother or few others; adding a little of sugar enhances the taste of any dessert even if we are using "patali"; that is date palm jaggery. If you wish, you can add sugar while boiling the milk, it will give a better taste I know. We however enjoyed the sugar free version of the dessert. Yes, I am a diabetic and dates on a regular basis is poison for me. I so love dates. Willing to snack on it everyday, I asked the doctor if I can. He outrightly said a big no to it. I have also noticed that consuming dates, mangoes, bananas regularly increases my blood sugar level. If you are not a diabetic, have dates, they are good for your body.

I started late this morning. What was I doing? At times I get too restless; I make useless, failed attempts to solve a long borne, unsolved mystery to shut up for ever and get into my cocoon; be at peace for ever. These are all my failed ventures. I hardly fail when it comes to simple cooking within my limits. I play safe with ingredients never willing to take risk. I am willing to give away my bundt cake tin and happily bake using foiled tins. So long I do not claim myself to be a chef and honestly declare my shortcomings; no one should have a problem. Anyway, the fun of such frozen dessert is that you can store them for a couple of days and eat when you wish to. About this frozen dessert with evaporated creamer, milk, dates & cashew nuts paste, green cardamom powder KHEJUR KULFI; I prepared it last week and we are still having it; at times with a topping of ripe mango, at times with grapes. The problem is with the husband; he is vehemently against having anything beyond  two meals a day. I keep shouting in vein, "ooi cigar guli na giley duto pauruti ba ruti diye mamlet kha." The son has no qualms with food; at his age he is just fine with his food intake; he will have what and when he wishes to. What else? I had a good talk with my family yesterday, with few of my teachers. I felt a personal high when Iva Miss messaged me in Whatsapp missing my call. They shaped my life you know. I missed calling a couple of my friends; I responded to messages sent to me in good vibes. Had I have been in my normal self; the world be in it's normal self; I would not have used that evaporated creamer. I would have boiled milk over a longer period of time.


DATE : 13-14 


We will be using the following ingredients and a bit of green cardamom powder. We will wash and soak the dates discarding it's seeds.

Take the full cream milk in a deep bottomed vessel and put for boil. 

While the milk is boiling, we will prepare a paste with dates & cashew nuts. For a near smooth paste, we may need 2tbsp of water. Use it, no problem. Okay, we will keep aside 3-4 dates and chop them.

Meanwhile, when 500ml of milk has boiled and reduced to about 300ml, we will add 200ml of evaporated creamer to it. We will stir and boil it for 12-13 minutes at minimal heat.

Thereafter, we will add the green cardamom powder, dates & cashew nuts paste to the milk, stir and let boil for 7-8 minutes.

We will pour the content to a bowl with lid, add the chopped dates & stir. We will wait for it to completely cool down.

Thereafter, we will close the lid tight and place in the freezer overnight.

Now, it is ready to be had topped with your fruit of choice.

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