Wednesday 3 June 2020


What a whirlwind morning it had been; at this time I am one angry bird; totally! I am angry since last night. Post dinner, he sat with his beer instead of having this dessert I made. Okay fine, it was not ready to eat as I wished to serve it chilled. This morning I felt I must pack it in his bag carefully; what if today night too he starts drinking beer? Else, I do not like packing any liquid stuffs. Those mini rasgullas / roshogollas / cottage cheese balls are dunked in a sugar and coconut milk syrup; anything with coconut milk spoils very fast. His snacks box has a piece of cake our neighbour had sent yesterday and this dessert which I wanted him to sit and eat in the comfort of his home. Now what to go in his lunch box? Last night, I informed Cristine that we would cook millet khichuri and pack sir's lunch box along with an omelette. For the past many months, he was leaving for office around 8:30-8:40am. We had no fault starting off late with the lunch making process. Without notifying us anything last night, we saw him running to the toilet around 7:15 am today. Cristine was still saying that he went to release and would come back and lie down again. No, he was in a hurry to leave without informing us anything last night. I have told him several time, I can get everything ready at any time, please inform me. I am not in the habit of cooking anything in high heat, in a cooker too I slow cook at minimal heat and it does not require many whistles. Following our mother & grandmother, I absolutely dislike burning food; I consider it a bad omen. I could pack his lunch box; but had to cook it in high heat. You can see little burns on the side of the cooker, the khichdi will dry too when he eats. I had a fight, he got on my nerves. He is not the kind who will say a sorry, "I can have bread omelette every day." "But I cannot serve you that; our mother did not teach me so. You know what bossy? You should appreciate my effort a bit. I see women who does less for the family are more at win." He goes off with his torn, leather stroller bag which needs an immediate change; I sit to write panting, stressed out.

I have to whatsapp continuously today about the Bengali Fusion Dessert; "COCONUT MILK E POWDER DUDH ER MINI ROSHOGOLLA  er mishti ta kheye niyo bikeler modhya, noshto hoye jabey."

He loves desserts but in his own time & mood. Our boy eats everything I serve, I try not to serve something they totally would dislike. Our father was absolutely like this; in fact something of a much higher degree. All of a sudden around 8:15 am in the morning, he would tell our mother that he would go out at 9am on some work for the entire day. He was not the kind to eat outside. I have seen it how our mother kept her cool; cooked at least a "shaak bhaja o maacher jhol" / a fried greens & fish curry for him to eat and roti / paratha and a shobzi to pack his lunch box within 45 minutes. He absolutely did not mind if the curry was made just with turmeric, salt and slitted green chillies or the potatoes in the sabzi remained a little undercooked; but he would not buy his food a single day. He was an Uncle Podger, he forgot where he kept what most of the time and got on our mother's nerves; our mother kept her cool and found it; a file or cash whatever. I inherited his habit of a forgetful mind; T is really cool in these matters. A mother who contributed so much in the family does not have her name in the family relation section of our father's Fb Profile; so strange! Our mother does not have a fb profile; then our son also did not have. All of us got a place in his relationship section, only his wife did not. In the first place, he did not require to have a social media profile; I am pretty sure he did not sign up for his own account and not for a single day he signed in. I have sent whatsapp message to my brother to delete his account or request fb to do so. Our mother has given a lot to the family what her successors cannot think of. She had / has "baaper bari mania" but not at the cost of her husband, kids. She always took good care of us.

Both my parents loved / love roshogolla, it was the most coveted sweet in the family when I craved for the other varieties of fried sweets. Bhai too eats I guess, if not often. Our mother still loves her roshogolla with "ruti or muri" / chapati or puffed rice. The father too had more with "dudh-muri" in the evenings. I have started loving it now. In the in-law's side too they love and they had made our son taste roshogolla when he was just six months old. The son still loves it. In his childhood; he had to have roshogolla everyday. Nowadays, I do not like getting them from the sweet shops here; never get the tinned ones. I do them at home but not so often. I must do it once a week, given the son's stay at home might get extended. When I do, I get experimental with roshogolla a bit. Like in this one, I used powdered milk to prepare the Indian cottage cheese required and dunked the prepared sweet in coconut milk instead of cow milk. Here is a lighter version of a roshomalai / rasmalai COCONUT MILK E POWDER DUDH ER MINI ROSHOGOLLA. Okay, my breakfast has arrived, I am loving it.

The recipe idea for the powdered milk roshogolla are sourced from few you tube videos! I will specially mention Reshma of RB KITCHEN & the wonder boy of COOKING SHOOKING. They are very famous for their work. However, I personally believe in supporting more the lesser knowns like myself, the problem is we are so less seen around.




Take the required amount of powdered milk in a deep bottomed vessel and add 2 coffee mugs of water. Stir to mix.

Put it for boil.

When it is cooking at minimal heat, add 4-5 tbsp of water to 5-6 tbsp lemon juice and mix.

Once the milk comes to boil, add a total of 5-6 tbsp of the lemon water; 1tbsp at a time and keep stirring the milk.

Once the milk gets curdled, immediately pass it through a clean piece of cloth placed on a strainer.

Wash the curdled milk / made at home cottage cheese with regular water. Tie the cloth on the kitchen tap and leave for an hour. Squeeze the excess water.

I powdered some dried coconut flakes.

When the paneer got ready to be kneaded, I took the powdered coconut, cornflour and paneer on a plate.

I kneaded the mixture for 10-12 minutes and it was ready.

I had put for boil 1 small cup of sugar and 3 coffee mugs of water. The syrup for rasgullas should always be light. Later you can use more warm water, not too much.

The credit for shaping the perfect paneer balls goes to Cristine, she shapes way better than me.

When the syrup starts boiling hard, tear the green cardamoms a bit and add to the syrup and the chanar balls too.

Cover immediately with a lid.

I boiled them at medium heat, full covered for 20 minutes. After switching off the gas, they looked as below.

Once cool a bit, I had poured the syrup, about a coffee mug to a bowl and added 200ml of coconut milk to it. I had beaten it well.

I wished to boil and reduce the mixture to half but it did not happen, the oil content in the coconut milk did not let it happen.

Once cool, I added the kewra water to the mixture, stirred and pour it over the mini roshogollas.

We will refrigerate them after cooling completely and serve it chilled as a dessert.

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