Wednesday 15 July 2020


Peanuts have to come on a regular basis to this home. The man wants it everyday with his beer; seldom does he ask for cashew nuts or other pricey nuts. I harbour no misery getting them cocktail nuts packets that consist of mixed dry fruits & nuts, I feel that would help them stay healthy and increase weight. But no, he does not want that. Never in life did he want to do something with his underweight; I could help if only people listened to me. The son too have developed a fondness for salted peanuts in the recent months. So it is always there in stock in this home. I prefer the Tong Garden's. Nonetheless to say, snacking with "muri badam bhaja peyaz kanchalonka" is a favourite pastime for me and the man while watching television, reading in my case. I see him reading in his i-pad, hardly does he touch print media which I enjoy more. When peanuts are in supply, why do not we do a peanut butter or a ladoo with it? I am very fond of peanut butter; then one day I read the ingredient list and see a good amount of sugar is used in the making!

What to do now? I am not fond of artificial preservatives, emulsifiers used in these spreads, jam, jelly, pickles. I have always felt in the past few months that preparing something similar to peanut butter at home is not a big deal. I felt if I am doing it at home, I will not use sugar and oil in it. Peanut releases it's own oil, I will manage with that. What can I use to moisten it so that it would not become like a Marathi peanut chutney? I thought. I had a few over ripe bananas, I used two of them and a bit of honey to prepare this vegetarian spread kind of CINNAMON FLAVOURED PEANUT BANANA SPREAD. I could skip using the honey altogether but our boy cannot have it without the honey part. Yes, he enjoys a variety of spreads atop his bread. The man will have it if served in his snacks box, at home he will not touch all these. Who eats peanut spread with wine & beer?

Yes, I know I am talking only food and not much about life recently. My home has to be settled before anything. The virus that has created ruckus worldwide is jeopardising our lives, future plans. I have to see my son settling down with his higher education peacefully before I can get back to the normal rhythm of life. Because I am of a restless nature; I would continue brooding over his safety & health. Unless this virus takes a leave from our lives, the world cannot be at peace. Looking at the death news of young boys and girls, a young WBCS officer and many similar, I suffer from breathlessness. What is this? Let us live. In this mental state, I am cooking simple and wish to share in the blog easy, quick & simple recipes like this vegetarian spread like CINNAMON FLAVOURED PEANUT BANANA SPREAD. Make it and have it spreading atop biscuit, bread, flat bread or as a side to dosa.
This is how I am having it today!




We are using these few ingredients.

We will take the required amount of the roasted & salted peanuts in a blender and pulse for 5-6 times.  Then we will blend it at minimal speed for a minute. We will pause in between to scrape the sides.

Now we will add the banana pieces, cinnamon powder, honey.

We will lose tight the lid and blend at low speed for a minute pausing in between.

We will open the cover, scrape the sides. We will close tight the lid and blend at high for 30 seconds.

We should be done. I wished to keep the spread a bit grainy.

We will store it in a clean, dry jar and have it spreading atop biscuits, toasted breads, flat breads, as a side to dosa. If you are refrigerating it, bring it to room temperature before having.

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