Monday 27 September 2021




I think I am a failure when coordinating among them wisely! There was a time, I had a hidden pride of having the ability to eat anything and everything throughout the day; yet not falling sick. I mean not that sick, else I suffer from constipation since childhood! I have mentioned earlier a couple of times how in 1994,a minor surgery of my appendix removal led the team of doctors say I should not be given meat, greens or too much of any vegetables. They found out I tend to have colitis! Then, I should have stopped eating legumes too! I just cannot get too strict and particular about my diet chart! Besides the discussion or may be a part of it; I clearly remember while on the operation table and just before losing my senses; yet under the influence of anaesthesia I could hear the doctors calling me "baby elephant"!Several times I have told my parents, brother & the closest aids the doctors did call me names & I did not mind. Sometime around 1990, me and a friend were told, "Hathibagan e akhono hathi paoa jai!" We were at a place named Hathibagan, in Kolkata one afternoon when this comment came in!That was not a time when this body shaming, this and that were into being; the cool us perhaps entered that sweet shop at Hathibagan More and ate Radhaballavi & Pantua to our heart's content!Till date, I could not mend my ways!Thats why a Sunday like yesterday comes in life and I fall sick of wrong eating!No wonder, the man and the son keep calling me fat!


Yesterday was a day really!I went to the Indian Market, I had to cater to a client today, I have to tomorrow. I do not mind that, there has to have some fruitful engagement in life! Because I dislike chatting, partying, straying all day;I enjoy the little amount of money coming my way through the only art I know; that is cooking! My only request to the man was to accompany me because it was Cristine's off day. I wished to sit somewhere and have our lunch! He refutes and I get angry! After the shopping, I get food for us, butter naan, chicken & chole for the man from Kaka Da Dhaba & a Chaat from Kailash Parbat for the self! And I promise to myself I would never get home a chaat. One should never home deliver a chaat item, they are to be eaten instantly after been served!

After finishing the little of work I need to on a Sunday, I had a chaat lunch, breaking a seventeen hours of fast! It was the worst decision anyone can take. All of the curd was absorbed by the snacks! It lacked the fun of having a chaat! I was caught with severe indigestion immediately after!

I was feeling awkward until I had a sugar-free, milk-free Twining's Darjeeling Tea around 7 pm! Thereafter, for dinner we just had rice-dal-potato boiled together. I definitely would not have the egg!


Usually, after a health disaster due to wrong eating,I take vows; wisdom engulfs me like fuming fire; I vouch for clean eating the rest of my life. But I fail to keep the good promises made to myself! The best I can do is get a HEALTHY RECIPE to the BLOG; that is VEGAN & GLUTEN-FREE too! Whatever I COOK, EAT & SHARE has to be TASTY too; I mean it has to more or less appeal to my TASTEBUDS! So, I chose this FRESH DRAGON FRUIT ICE LOLLY to go to the blog today! Also since childhood, my system is a bit averse to diary products but our kind of families ignore it and consider feeding cow & buffalo milk the best thing done to the kids.These days, my stomach indeed is revolting to ice-creams; I am getting acidity from it! I love chillers but; the best alternatives I found are using various fruits to make iced coffee, tea & bars without using any amount of diary product!DRAGON FRUIT is a favourite fruit of mine ever since I have reached this island, so why not turn it onto an ICED LOLLY?


RAISIN : 15-16

I enjoy having dragon fruits, although they are a bit bland!I here India too is farming it and we are getting a lot of it during the season at Baguiati Bazaar!

I had taken the peeled & washed fruit cubes in a blender. I had added to it half of the cashews & raisins to enhance the taste!

The raisins worked as natural sweeteners for me!I have added the rest of the half to it!

I have mixed the content well and poured into thermocol glasses; you can use plastic glasses or proper moulds!

I have inserted sticks in the middle and Cristine taped them!

I have kept them in the freezer for 7-8 hours!

While having, take them in a glass & have!

Ain't that a tasty & healthy thirst quencher?

1 comment:

  1. I haven't tried dragon fruit. All our online groceries have this product. I really wonder that its taste and flavour. I will save your recipe and i will try it.
