Wednesday 31 May 2023



And the breadwinner does not bother about my mental health, he left home early today at 7:30 am without any lunch box; he does not have breakfasts! No there was no fight, he has meeting & official eating! On such days you get to see him happier and I get more of irritation! The irritation is about him not helping me to become, not earn a little something! Do not blame me if I call him an MC! I am telling you our mother still have this frustration! Although we have been good homemakers, we have this irritation in the back of our minds! J back from office thorough cleans her home & goes to bed post 12 am, we would have been something like that because cleanliness is the way of life! Ever since the son left home for good, the feeling is stronger that I need some serious engagement that may generate some financial gain too! When the MC asks me to go & serve the society for free, I ask him to shut up! I would do charity at that level with my own earnings!  It's peculiar he would not directly do charity but would always ask me to! Not at any point I think he has that amount of wealth to distribute, neither I have any intent to join those women who bask in the man's glory; wake up, wear make up, expensive saris, go to this club & that club; do charity using the husband's hard earned money, then attend kitty parties in the afternoon! I do not belong there, I am not built to play "ku jhik jhik" with other women and indulge in endless talks! I however enjoy watching their activities! My kind of socialising is calling friends home at intervals, cooking & feeding them with all of my possible warmth! It does not happen much these days, the kids went their ways, it hurts me! I wish my food blog could reach that height that would generate some finance! I have another passion besides cooking; that is teaching! Every year, when I visit Kolkata; I feel had I been in Kolkata, I would have been teaching in a school & forced myself to have a workable knowledge about the fearful information technology! But that is not enough reason to go back, I enjoy living abroad! This island has given us an extreme level of safety & security but I believe if we had been living in a bigger country, I would be working! This island's rules for the foreigners are stricter! Then, I have a thing; because I have no professional degree, I would prefer working in a school but not just do any job! 


Hence, I have started to write the blogpost in the day time! I may start from home around 3-3:30pm, so I can have my lunch there at Hougang around 4:30pm! Then come back home after the necessary buys catching a train! But what to eat? Many things I have lost appetite for; rice items I may want but avoiding more than once, same with roti! Noodles? Let us see, they claim certain dishes as low caloric! What is wrong with me I do not know, I like Indian street style noodles with only a bit of soy sauce added! My tastebud got limited, I enjoy home cooked food! If I am going out, I prefer eating out! I thought let me  write the major part & then finish it off in the evening! I am thinking whilst coming back I should walk back until Kovan & then catch a train or what! Hougang from here makes 5km & that is not enough for me at this time! You see, these days I prefer a "chirer polao or upma, semolina upma or non ta suji, idli, sabudana or dalia hotchpotch" for my lunches, but I do not stay at home in the day time! Cristine handles my home! This is the high time, I did something fruitful that generates money! I wish I could travel to the son and cook such simple, homely food for him, also for his flat mate & the entire friends gang! Mumma just wants to give him some comfort, so he does not need to do anything except for studying & going for classes! I wish to explore that city elaborately! It is not congenial to visit the food markets there for longer period with the man, he just does not understand how a kitchen is run! There I wish to walk a lot and find new markets, not of clothes obviously! But for a visitor like me, it is a challenge there in that country where people drive on their own, where public transport system is not that good! But I wish to find out how to shop like in Kolkata or this island in that country where roads are quiet in the daytime too! Yet, I wish to live there for few years if only the man tried to relocate!


Let us leave the discussion about what could have possibly happen if we relocated; both of us hardly conclude any discussion; we just do not agree at a point! Let me better show you what goes on inside my kitchen! That is my job for the past few years & I thoroughly enjoy the exercise! Here in this island, scallion or SPRING ONION PRATA is quite popular! I have eaten a few times, priced at 1:50-2$, they obviously would not have enough amount of spring onion! I have seriously not checked any of the recipes; perhaps they use eggs in the dough or batter! Batter because they call it pancake too at times! I really do not know if they prepare it from a batter or dough, I just find their's a bit less salty! Hence, I wished to cook this vegetarian, vegan flatbread, an easy one just our way! Later I felt, if I added some onion & spices, it would have been tastier! But I did not wish too much of modification, also we should keep rooms for more of recipe creations, right? 

Let me take a break at this point, take shower, do the afternoon prayer & head for Hougang; have food, do the necessary buys & head back home; take shower, do the evening prayer and complete the blogpost! And that's mumma, she may not look like a college goer son's mother but she tactfully hides her wrinkles! In fact, yet with a wrinkled forehead sony boy's mumma looks younger than her age!

No, those are not dirt on my eyebrows, the dead skin post the eye embroidery is peeling off! I am neither that level of lazy or dirty that I would not keep myself clean! I cannot be as active as our mother, but I am moderate, try to follow healthy habits! I walked a total of 7.1km today, what I ate & what I did should be shared on Saturday in public! We have left the Hougang area in 2016, I keep going regular, mostly for the girls at Kushi's & other shops!


SALT : 1/2 TSP


We would take both the flour varieties & the salt in a bowl & mix well! We would discard the two ends of the spring onion stalks, chop, wash & add them to the flour mix bowl! Cristine did this for me! Add some chopped green chillies too, I forgot!

We would add 2tbsp of oil to the mix and rub well! We would add little water and prepare a smooth dough kneading it well! Remember, the spring onions would release water, be careful! Keep the dough covered for 15-20 minutes!

We would remove the cover, knead the dough again for about 2-3 minutes, tear off portions to make flatbread with each of them!

We would dust the base & each dough ball well & roll! I did not give any extra effort to make them perfect round, I was cool, a bit unhappy hence!

We would heat a pan / griddle, add each prata, roast well both sides, add 2tsp oil in each case, fry both sides well & we should be done!

Ain't that too easy? I had it with pickle & roasted chillies; the rest had it with chicken curry & pickle! 

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