Friday 13 November 2015


Today is Bhai Phota; a day when all sisters pray for their brother's life long health and prosperity. This is the day I miss my brother a lot. I remember my brother was five years old when I started giving 'phota' to him[a dot on his forehead wishing him good luck, good health, longevity]. It was a celebration in our home then, some of my cousin brothers, my maternal uncles all used to be together at one place; sweets, elaborate lunch menu, smell of incense, earthen lamps, crackers in the evening..... a pious, divine and joyous atmosphere altogether. I think of those golden days and relive the moments. The maternal uncles would not come together every year because my youngest aunt mostly did the ritual back in the grandparent's home. Ever since I relocated to another country; an island city far from my homeland, I miss my brother on this day. I send rakhi to him through post but there is no way to send "phota" that way. I religiously call him this day and exchange  words. This is same with many a sisters I know. I thought of sharing a simple sweet made in a jiffy on this occasion. I learnt this recipe of bread gulab jamun after going through a number of similar recipes in the internet. What attracted me is the simplicity of the ingredients in doing the same. Let us do it together.


Bread : 6 pieces
Milk [boiled]  : 1 small cup
Refined Flour : 1tbsp
Sugar : 1 small cup + 1tsp
Baking Powder : 1/2 tsp
Water : 2 coffee cups
Green Cardamom : 3-4
Oil : 1cup.


Boil the milk for about 10 minutes stirring in between, let cool.

Pulse the bread slices taking in a blender. Transfer the powder to a bowl.

Add the baking powder, 1tsp sugar and the milk little by little. Knead very well and shape into balls.

Heat the oil in a wok. Simultaneously in another burner boil a cup of sugar with 2 coffee cups of water. Add the green cardamoms to it. Cook till it's a bit sticky, much of it.

Fry the balls in low heat until brown and dip into the hot sugar syrup. Keep them soaked for at least 2-3 hours before serving. Serve them warm!

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