Sunday 22 November 2015


I google searched frantically but did not find the English name of "Parshe" .... Although most would say it is the baby form of Grey Mullet, I am unwilling to buy the theory! The Bengalis who will stop by my recipe will understand which fish I am talking about. Those who love Bengali Cuisine, they will perhaps know if they regularly visit the Bengali restaurants. For the rest, you can do with any small fish of your choice. This particular fish is common among us, a common sight in any of Bengal's fish markets. It has less bones and hence comfortable to have. We prepare plain curry with it, have it deep fried as an accompaniment with rice and lentils or prepare a thick gravy with it from a paste made of black mustard seeds and green chillies.

The other day I got the coveted sized Parshe in our wet market. We usually get them on weekends. I was happy to see them in a foreign land. But they are not as fresh as in the Kolkata wet markets! Their price also is reasonable as compared to other varieties. Always buy the smaller in size, because they taste better. Using the mustard seeds and green chilli paste is common among us in curries and veggies. Let us prepare this extremely easy to do Parshe Maacher Jhal.

Besides doing this curry, such smaller sized parshe mach / fish can be enjoyed deep fried! I am also fond of a curry with a ginger & red chilli paste, a bit thick would be the curry! That texture we get using a good amount of ginger paste & stir frying it for a longer period! Neither side of my family are Parshe Fish lovers; somehow I started enjoying the very fresh varieties we get in our Kolkata neighbourhood's wet market "Baguiati Bazaar"!


Parshe Fish: 6 - 8 [small sized mullet]
Mustard Seed[preferably black] : 2tsp
Green Chilli : 4-5[adjust according to your taste bud]
Garlic Clove : 2[optional]
Salt : As Required
Turmeric Powder: 1tsp
Nigella Seeds[kalonji/kalojeere] : 3pinches
Oil[authentically mustard] : 4tbsp
Chopped Coriander Leaves to garnish [optional]


Clean the stomach and the scales of each fish and wash 2-3 times thoroughly. Rub 1/2 tsp of turmeric powder and salt as required. Keep aside for 10-15 minutes.

Meanwhile wash the mustard seeds thoroughly through a strainer. Put  them in a blender along with the green chillies, garlic cloves, a little of salt and water. Blend it until smooth. We get a paste like consistency. Add the rest of the turmeric powder to the paste.

Heat the oil in a wok. Fry the fish in batches until brown on both sides. Do not over fry.

Temper the same oil with the nigella seeds. Add the mustard paste and quick stir for 1/2 a minute. Add 1/2  cup water and let the gravy boil for 3-4 minutes at low heat. Add some salt if required.

Add the fried Parshe fish carefully and let boil for another 2-3 minutes at low heat. Its done.

Transfer to a serving plate, garnish with slitted green chillies and enjoy with piping hot steamed rice, dal and a vegetarian dish.


  1. Cooked in a paste made with black mustard seeds, green chillies and garlic clove, Parshe Macher Jhal is an extremely delicious Bengali delicacy

  2. It looks delicious Soma. Yum yum :)

    1. Arey Rhitu how are you? What a pleasant surprise! After a long long time hearing from you...hope everything is fine and a big thanks dear

  3. The name of the fish is "flathead grey mullet" scientific name is "Mugil cephalus"
