Wednesday 13 January 2016


This is an easy week day night solution. There are days when we wish to keep the cooking simple, spend less time in the kitchen. I particularly feel like this on the weekday evenings. If it is a weekday, I prefer cooking in the evening so that food can be served fresh and hot to my men. At the same time, I wish to keep it simple, so that I can spend minimal time in the kitchen. To me, weekday evenings are meant to peep into the junior's room at regular intervals and check whether he is studying or not. It is also to wait for the senior to come back and have small chit chat while watching the television together. This is an egg curry which I did the simplest way. May be because I was not willing to chop the onion, peel the ginger-garlic and grind them into a paste. Perhaps my help was away for some other work. I have never claimed myself to be an independent worker, even if I be given any credit, half goes to her. Besides all these excuses, there is also the willingness to try something new or different. Hence this light & tangy egg curry, a minimalist approach. I think my recipes are just apt for a bachelor or a newly married girl or boy settling abroad. Boys must take part in the household works! Let us do it which will take a little more than 1/2 an hour.


Egg : 6
Tomato : 1big
Onion : 1 medium sized
Ginger Paste : 1 tsp
Garlic Paste : 2 tsp
Green Chilli : 2-3
Turmeric Powder : 1tsp
Red Chilli Powder : 1 tsp
Salt : As Required
Cumin Seed : 2pinches
Coriander Leaves : 2sprig
Bayleaf : 1
Oil : 2tbsp


Boil the eggs in enough water for about 10 minutes. Leave them for some time to cool! Thereafter, peel off the shells cautiously. Wash carefully under the running water.

Make slits on both the ends. Rub with  a little of salt & turmeric powder. Keep aside for 5 minutes.

Wash and chop the coriander leaves discarding the roots. Peel, discard the two ends, wash & slice the onion. Wash and slit the green chillies. Wash and roughly chop the tomatoes discarding the seeds.

Heat the oil in a wok. Lightly fry the boiled and marinated eggs at low heat. Keep aside.

Temper the oil with the cumin seeds and a bayleaf. Add the sliced onions & fry until golden brown! 

Add the ginger & garlic pastes, stir cook at minimal heat for 2-3 minutes! 

Add the chopped tomatoes, rest of the salt and turmeric powder. Stir until the tomato pieces melt and separates from the oil.

Add one coffee mug of water. Bring to a boil. Add the fried eggs. Let boil for 3-4 minutes.

Add the chopped coriander leaves. Cook for another 1/2 a minute. It is done.

Enjoy with steamed rice or with roti!


  1. A very simple, quick egg curry that can be done in a jiffy and enjoyed with steamed rice.

  2. Soulful Recipe. Keep sharing more with us.
