Monday 11 January 2016


Phoolkopir Shingara / Potato-Cauliflower stuffed Fried Samosa Snack is a nostalgia. It is a winter speciality. Earlier cauliflower was available in the winter alone. It took an entire day for our mom for the preparation. In the evening, she would bring her stove in the bedroom, switch off the fan and fry one after another. We would flock around with a bowl to have them fresh and hot. Stove was a kind of portable oven largely used in those days as an alternative arrangement to gas oven. Whenever mom prepared some time consuming dishes, she would use it, so that she could sit and do. She would prepare mini-sized samosas so that we could have quite a number without feeling too heavy on the stomach. Coming to the present, cauliflower is available throughout the year, at least at the place where I stay. I still prefer to do this kind of samosa with a cauliflower stuffing during these months of the year.... December and January. With peas available readily in packets, it is not a tedious job anymore. We can do these mouthwatering samosas with everything available at home.... maida, oil, cauliflower, green pea, potato. Let us do it.

INGREDIENTS: [for the coverage]

Refined Flour : 2cups
Oil : 2 tbsp
Salt : As Required

INGREDIENTS : [for the filling]

Cauliflower : 1 small
Green Pea : 1/2 small cup
Potato : 2 medium sized
Roasted Peanut : 1tbsp
Bengali Five Spice : 1/4 tsp [Panchphoron]
Dry red chilli : 2
Cumin Seed : 1tsp 
Coriander Seed : 1tsp
Turmeric Powder : 1/2tsp
Salt : As Required
Sugar : 1/2tsp
Oil : 1tbsp

INGREDIENTS : [to fry the snacks]

The uncooked stuffed Samosas
Oil : 150-200ml [the left over can be used later]

[Yields about 10-12 samosas]


Let us prepare the filling. Cut the cauliflower into small florets, the potatoes peeled and cut into small cubes. Wash and apply salt and turmeric. 

Dry roast the dry red chilli, coriander and cumin seeds and dry grind to a coarse powder.

Heat the oil in a pan and temper with the  Bengali five spices, crushed ginger and chopped green chilli [I forgot].  Add the cauliflower florets and the potato pieces, stir for a minute and cover cook for 3-4 minutes.

Remove the cover, add the green peas and fry for 2 minutes. Add the sugar, salt if required, the freshly made spice powder. Mash a bit the vegetables with the ladle.Stir  and cook for 2-3 minutes till it dries up completely. We are done, transfer to a bowl and let it cool.

We will prepare the dough. Take the refined flour, salt and 2-3 tbsp oil in a wide mouthed big bowl. Keep rubbing for 3-4 minutes.

Now add water little by little and keep kneading until a smooth dough is formed. Cristine did the kneading part. We will cover it for 30 minutes.

Remove the cover from the dough and knead for a minute or two again. Make balls and roll out roundels from it.

Wet the edges with water and fold to form pockets. Fill with the stuffing. Close tight as in the picture. I am not good with the shape, just manage. Cristine shaped the maximum.

Heat 200 ml of oil in a wok. Lower the heat to minimum once it is warm[not hot]. Fry the snacks in batches at low heat until they are golden brown. Keep on tissue papers to get rid of the excess oil before serving.

Enjoy with your choice of chutney or sauce!


  1. Phoolkopir Shingara.... Samosa made with a stuffing prepared with cauliflower, green pea, roasted peanuts, boiled potato and few ground spices. A winter specially among us.

  2. Very nice one. should try

    1. Thank You....shall be my pleasure if you may....
