Sunday 31 January 2016


With a grown up teen at home, I always have to keep a good stock of snacks for him. Kids of all age are fond of snackers rather than the main meals. Mine will not have his rice lovingly unless it is accompanied by chicken / mutton / prawns / boneless fish steaks / paneer. He is in a 'Hungry Kya' mode always. Mamma has to prepare few kinds of snackers for him, he loves to have them from time to time. Mamma does it with utmost pleasure because cooking is an activity she enjoys. The pleasure of doing something for our own is immeasurable. 

These days a thought disturbs me a lot. In few years the son will be away from home.... for studies, job, how would mamma survive then? Would I stop blogging then? How can mamma cook and eat things that he loves without him. The thought itself paralyses me. But without cooking, I would have nothing to do, I cannot live my life on a couch, that is such fruitless, also I love to eat. Anyway the senior at home does not want to eat much these days. May be the two of us will retire from the worldly crowd and tour amidst the nature most of the time.

I prefer doing muffins / cup cakes because the preparation and cooking time is less. I love that because I am a lazy cook. I am not innovative, I need to hire ideas for cooking. This recipe of a chocochip cupcake did I get from posted by someone named Janice. Thanks to Janice for the easy to do recipe which will be a hit with the kids. My contribution to the cup cake is the use of desiccated coconut which I had at home and I wished to use in it. I am not fond of chocolate but a packet full of chocochips had been gifted by a friend. Let us do it.

The above one was what I baked and captured originally. Presently it is June, 2024; the son has left home and we do not enjoy chocolate, neither I wish to bake with choco-chip & choco-rice. I bought a small pack of Hershey's Kisses FOR 2.50$ from the Japan Home and used it. It went down.


All Purpose Flour : 1 coffee mug
Sugar : 1/2 small tea cup + 2 tsp [I used Brown Sugar]
Baking Powder : 1/3 tsp
Milk : 1 small tea cup
Egg : 2
Oil : 1/2 small tea cup
Choco Chip : 3/4cup [I used Hershey's Kisses]
Desiccated Coconut : 2-3 tbsp
Vanilla Essence : 1 tsp


Preheat the oven to 160*C placing the low height wired stool inside. This is the set temperature in my convection mode microwave oven.

In a small bowl, take the desiccated coconut and 2 tsp of brown sugar, mix well and keep aside.

In a separate bowl, take the flour, baking powder and mix well.

Take the cup of sugar, oil, eggs, vanilla essence and milk in a bowl and beat well taking in a blender. I think I used a little more of milk than required, be careful please.

Add together the wet and dry mixes. Just fold in but do not beat. The batter has to have lumps. Add half of the choco chips to the batter and mix lightly.

Place the aluminium foil cups on an ovenproof plate. Pour 1/4 of the batter. Sprinkle the coconut-brown sugar mix.

Pour the batter again till half. Sprinkle with coconut-brownsugar mix. Add few chocochips on the top. I used minimum chocolate stuffs.

Bake at 160* for 20 minutes. Enjoy the soft cup cakes with your choice of beverage.


  1. Looks very tempting..please send some feeling hungry :)

    1. Jolly on your way.... sorry I always miss comments here... thanks for stopping by...

  2. Same situation at my home. My daughter eats more snacks and less meals. Love the coconut and brown sugar topping.

    1. Let me know what else can be done with the desiccated coconut Balvinder.
