Monday 18 January 2016


Mushroom is something we never had in India. I was scared to buy it and ended up identifying it with 'byanger chata', meaning frog's umbrella which is poisonous. What aggravated the fear was the news of people dying eating poisonous "byanger chata" considering it mushroom in the interiors of Bengal. Hence, I never did buy them. In the mid-90's, I saw mushroom farming at my friend Juthika's home. After shifting to this island, I was awestruck to see many a variety of mushrooms and the health benefits they have. I gradually started including it in our meal plan. I failed to persuade my choosy about food pa-in-law to have mushroom till date, haha. He still has serious doubts about it. We get good quality mushrooms in the supermarkets of India. I would still suggest not to buy it from the road side stalls there, rather I would say that about Kolkata. I prefer Indian Curries with mushrooms. I incorporate them in my salads too. I am yet to learn to make the creamy homemade mushroom sauce. I have gone through some really good recipes of that. This recipe I have done simply with our regular Indian spices and sliced mushrooms. Most of it's variety is unknown to me, hence I prefer doing it with the common varieties. Let us do it.


Mushroom [Any Variety] : 250gm
Green Peas : 1/2 medium cup
Tomato Paste : 4-5 tbsp
Onion Paste : 2 tbsp
Ginger Paste : 1 tsp
Garlic Paste : 1/2 tsp
Cumin Powder : 1 tsp
Coriander Powder : 1tsp
Garam Masala Powder : 1tsp
Dry Mango Powder : 1/2 tsp
Red Chilli Powder : 1tsp
Turmeric Powder : 1tsp
Ginger Paste : 1/2tsp
Garlic Paste : 1/4tsp
Salt : As required
Cumin Seeds : 1/4 tsp
Bay Leaf : 1
Oil : 2tbsp


Heat the oil in a pan. Wash the green peas and mushrooms, apply a little of salt. Add to the oil and saute lightly at low heat. Take out and keep aside.

Temper the oil with the bayleaf & cumin seeds. Add the tomato and onion paste. Fry for 3-4 minutes. Add the ginger and garlic paste and fry for 3-4 minutes.

Add the salt, turmeric powder, chilli powder, cumin powder  and the coriander powder and stir fry for a minute.

Add 1 medium cup of water and bring to a boil. Let boil for 2-3 minutes. Add the lightly sautéed green peas and mushrooms. Let cook for 3-4 minutes. Add the dry mango and garam masala powders and give a stir. Cook for 2-3 minute. It is done.

Enjoy with any kind of flatbread or cumin tempered rice!


  1. A spicy Indian curry prepared with mushrooms and green peas that goes very well with South Asian Flatbreads and cumin tempered rice.

  2. The same story with many of us regarding mushroom. I don't remember having mushrooms until a few years back. Have no childhood memories of eating mushrooms, but the small white umbrella shaped things which popped up after the rains were indeed called Banger Chata. They were there in my chora books too. Coming to the curry it is one hearty, delicious curry which I would love to have with Pulko ruti and kacha Pyaaz. Darun hoeychey dekhtey . Makes for a wonderful lunch or dinner option.

    1. Thanks Piyali so much.... Banger Chata dekhtey chotobelai bhalobashtam, onek shomoy o diye ranna batio khelechi.Unfortunately desher remote anchale akhono manush bhul korey kheye feley abong ki hoy jani amra.
