Wednesday 11 May 2016


Having lemon as an accompaniment with the two major meals had been an integral part of the Bengali culture. Whether it was / is lentil curry or fish curry, squeezing some lemon juice atop and eating it with rice was / is heavenly. I remember the days I used to spend with my grandparents during the vacations. Getting to eat what our grand mom cooked, sitting on her lap and listening to the stories of her motherland, they had to leave behind was a pleasure. Here too the grandfather grew a lot of trees. Besides other trees, there were lemon trees and in the evenings, the flowers of it released a beautiful and refreshing fragrance. 

I remember, during the summers, the grandma while cooking lentil curry would ask me to get some lemon leaves from the garden. She would add them to the boiling dal just two to three minutes before it was done. The flavour of it helped sooth our summer meals. This summer I am using them in my cooking too. Besides, whenever I am out of my home, I carry lemon leaves with me, its  smell helps if you have nausea/motion sickness.

Paneer Curry is a regular affair in our home as a vegetarian sides. We need to bring in a little variety in them. Not equipped with much of innovative ideas, I draw inspiration from around, past and present. This Lemony Paneer was an idea drawn from our grand mom's  use of lemon / lime leaves in dishes during the summers. Done with regular spices used in a Bengali household, the twist was only in using a bit of lemon juice and lemon / lime leaves. During the summers, when we feel like not having curries, this really helps. Let us do the Lemony Paneer Curry together.


Paneer : 250gm
Tomato : 1small
Ginger Paste : 1tsp
Cumin Powder : 1tsp
Coriander Powder : 1/2tsp
Red Chilli Powder : 1tsp
Turmeric Powder : 1/2tsp
Lemon Juice : 2tbsp
Lemon/Lime Leaves : 2-3
Cumin Seed : 1pinch
Bayleaf : 1
Sugar : 1/2tsp[optional]
Salt : As Required
Oil : 3tbsp


Apply little salt to the paneer pieces and keep aside for 15 minute.

Wash and chop the tomatoes. Keep everything else ready on the cooking table. Wash the lemon leaves.

Heat the oil in a wok. Temper with the cumin seeds and bayleaf.

Add the ginger paste. Saute for 2 minutes. Add the chopped tomatoes and keep stirring till it melts.

 Add the salt, turmeric, cumin powder, coriander powder, chilli powder and stir for a minute.

Add one big cup of water and let boil for 3-4 minutes at low heat. Add the sugar and lemon juice, stir.

Add the paneer pieces and cook further for 2 minutes. Add the lemon / lime leaves and cook for a minute.

Serve hot with rice or handmade  bread.


  1. mmm i love paneer! im going to have to try this. looks great

  2. Its a must as well, that little dash of lemon or lime to infused the sour tinge into savoury dishes. This lemony paneer curry - so inviting, but as said before, we use more of tofu instead of paneer over here. Would like to substitute that ingredient to feature this curry in my house.

  3. I am drooling here to taste thins tangy lemony curry paneer

  4. Love the sound of this citrusy curry, Soma. It bet, it was awesome!

  5. lemony paneer looks soo good Soma.. Totally loved it:)

  6. its an easy recipe ... would love to try someday...bookmarked <3
