Monday 9 May 2016


"Easy to make and good to eat"..... I am more into this kind of food / cooking these days. The hot weather does not allow us to be in the kitchen for a longer period. The senior at home is eating much less than usual, I am wondering who do I cook for. There is a major disparity in my cooking preferences and their eating preferences. What I love to cook, they do not prefer to eat. I love to eat and cook typical Bengali dishes, while they do not. I do cook what my son and the man love to eat but do not always blog about them, there are better people around who are doing it. I have made my cooking simpler these days... to two to three dishes per day as both my senior and junior prefers it that way. Besides, I need to prepare 'tukitaki' which means snackers for my junior who loves to have them from time to time.

Besides other stuffs, my teen boy loves coolers... ice cream, kulfi, iced teas. I try my hands on homemade kulfi and ice creams these days often. They take less time to prepare, hassle free to make and most important is my men love to have them. This is a Rose flavoured kulfi. This Rose Kulfi is made with few things always available at home, only the concentrated rose syrup is store bought. 

My friends say an authentic kulfi needs to be done with a combination evaporated milk, condensed milk and milk, I do not always use them or have them at home. I rather boil the milk to a thicker consistency. I used few dried rose petals for a natural rose flavour and few chopped mint leaves which is optional. Actually, I am growing mint at home and is recently loving to add it to my cooking. Rose comes to my home as a part of offerings to God, we can always save a few and dry them naturally. Let us prepare the Rose Kulfi together and make our kids happy.


Full Cream Milk : 1litre
Sugar : 3 tbsp
Rose Syrup [concentrated] : 4 tbsp [or as per your requirement]
Cashew Nut : 5-6
Raisin : 4-5
Dried Rose Petals : 6-8
Mint Leaves : 4 [finely chopped, can be skipped]
Green Cardamom Powder : 4-5 pinches [optional]


Pour the milk in a heavy bottomed vessel and put for boil. Boil until it reduces to more then half stirring every 3-4 minutes.

Add the sugar and boil further for 3-4 minutes. Add the green cardamom powder and stir.

Switch off the gas and let cool. Soak the cashew nuts, raisins and dried rose petals in a little of warm milk for 15 minutes and grind them to a paste.

When the milk gets cold, add the rose syrup, chopped mint leaves and the nut paste to it. Stir well.

Pour the mixture onto the moulds. Freeze for 6-8 hours before serving.


  1. mmm this looks really good. i bet my daughter would love it

    1. Thank you so much Siobhan.... mother of beautiful Daphne

  2. Its the same story in my house, what I love to eat and what my other half prefer. Still. when he around, its his kind of food and when he travels, I cook what I like. This rose kulfi - lovely for the creaminess, home made is always the best, though again said, no takers for such a treat in my house.

    1. Haha so at your home no one has that sweet tooth Navaneetham

  3. Quick recipe and yummy too, nice combo dear Soma..even I love coolers in every season :)

  4. Thanks so much dear chef Jolly....

  5. Wow Rose Kulfi! Best Kulfi for the hot summer days. Delicious and refreshing one!
