Wednesday 15 June 2016


The lady who loved cooking and compiling them in her blog is suddenly in a 'no mood' mode. Everything seems to be boring sort of. When passion seems to be boring, perhaps it is time to take a break. Priorities keep changing and we definitely need to prioritise things. With the only son in the high school, my mind gets extremely bothered with his studies, specially when it is the last thing in his to do list. A long summer holiday and he is doing anything except for studying, that bothers me a lot. To that, the news back home that the mother is not doing well with uncontrolled sugar level does make one sad. A caring and responsible brother and sister-in-law do not let you go crazy though. Hence, I sat with the computer early morning to concentrate on writing a recipe, at least that can deviate the mind. This is A Konkani Egg Curry. Preparing an egg curry is a regular at home. I was going through google for a different kind of egg curry recipe and came across a number of Konkani egg curry recipes. I specifically liked this recipe by Shwetha Shanbag of, which has a simplistic approach. I drew the inspiration from her recipe with my inputs. Like I added cumin and coriander which is not there in the original recipe. Let us prepare my version of Konkani Egg Curry together.

Recipe Inspiration :


Egg : 5-6
Onion : 1medium [sliced]
Shredded Coconut : 1/2small cup
Black Pepper : 8-10
Cinnamon : 1one inch stick
Green Cardamom : 2-3
Cloves : 2-3
Cumin Seed : 1/4tsp + 2pinches
Coriander Seed : 1/4tsp
Red Chilli : 4-5
Turmeric Powder : 1/2tsp
Salt : As required
Tamarind : 1/2tsp[deseeded]
Oil : 3-4tbsp


Wash the eggs carefully and boil in enough water. Let cool, take out the shell. Wash again and slit little on both the sides. Apply a little of salt on them.

Dry roast 1/4tsp cumin seed, coriander seed, black pepper, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, red chillies for 2 minutes. Put in to a grinder.

Add the shredded coconut and tamarind also to the grinder. Add a little of water for a smooth paste. Grind to a paste pausing at regular intervals.

Heat the oil in a wok and temper with cumin seeds. Add the sliced onions and fry till golden brown.

Add the spice paste and fry for 2 minutes. Add the turmeric powder and salt. Fry for a minute or two.

Add a cup of water and let boil for 3-4 minutes at low heat.

Add the boiled eggs and cook  for another 2 minutes. It is done.

Serve with steamed rice. Enjoy!


  1. don't worry dear...your mom will be fine soon...lovely egg curry

  2. The trials of life these are and we all have no choice but to go through them. But the reassuring part is that nothing lasts whether it is good times or bad times. Popeye is a very good boy and mark my words, he will excel in his life in all spheres beyond your imagination. Your worry is part and parcel of being a Mommy. I can understand, but let the boy enjoy his vacations at least.
    Regarding Jethi, I wish her a speedy good health. I am sure she will be in the pink of her health very soon.
    Simply love the look of your egg curry. The coconut and tamarind are the unique ingredients used, which must have imparted a flavour loaded taste to this egg curry. I would love to try this too. Yummmmmmy.

    1. Thank you Piyali for all your beautiful words and heartwarming wishes....

  3. This looks an absolute yum,Beautiful share Soma..don't worry dear Aunty will be fine soon.

  4. Soma - I must agree with you. Boring it can be get, I take my hats of to those who passionately write regularly. Yes, cannot be day in day out in front of the computer which won't do much justice to the health as well.

    Eggs - the saviour in my house, and this recipe, thank you for the tempting gravy. Oh yum.

    1. Thank you Navaneetham.. truly egg is a saviour....

  5. Too good!!perfect with roti..
