Monday 20 June 2016


Another weekend passed away, a nice one watching a good movie in good company. Monday again, and throughout the week I wait for another Friday, going out, watching a good movie or show, a lunch or a dinner. I am still not out of the hangover of the movie we watched last Saturday evening.... Dhanak... meaning The Rainbow.... journey of two little kids through all odds, the people they met on the way, how they helped them to reach their destination. 

The love between the siblings takes me long back.... when I was an over protective elder sister. All the viewers absolutely loved the kids delivering pretty well. At the end of the movie, we were lucky enough to be present in an interactive session with the director who told how cooperative the kids were throughout the entire shooting period, bearing the burnt of the heat in Rajasthan is not an easy task. I dedicate this Lychee Ice-cream to those kids and look forward to watch more such amazing performance from them. The men at home are not deprived though.... a good option to have this after a pizza or burger session, specially in a tropical environment.

I love lychee, my memory of lychee goes back to the late 70s and 80s. The summer vacation was spent in maternal grandparent's house, nearby there was a lychee garden.... comprising of acres of land. So buying lychee was straight from the garden in bulk. Later, I remember it was sold and how mercilessly the trees were cut, a new locality of housing was grown. Here I buy the green variety of lychee which they say comes from China. At home, the men are not fond of having lychee as a fruit, I thought of preparing this Lychee Ice-cream for them. Let us prepare this summer cooler together with few ingredients.


Lychee : 10-12
Fresh Cream : 170ml [I used Nestle]
Milk Powder : 2 tbsp
Sugar : 3-4 tbsp


Peel and deseed the lychees. Wash them thoroughly. Blend together the lychees, fresh cream, sugar and the milk powder. 

Pour into a bowl & cover it, freeze for 2 hours.

Take out and blend for 2-3 minutes. You can cut some lychees into smaller pieces and add to the mix. Stir, pour in a bowl with lid and freeze again for 5-6 hours. Enjoy!


  1. Thanx for sharing the movie cream of lychee flavor is a perfect summer treat

  2. Looks so inviting... such a yummilicious share dear Soma:)

  3. I love lychee in any form...drooling here!!

  4. A favourite of my as well, quite an invention Soma. I like the fruity infusion in the ice-cream.

    1. Thank you Navannetham... only way to feed some fruits to my men... hehe...

  5. As I have already mentioned earlier, that I loved your vibrant movie review, am once again reiterating it. Lichu was and still is a favourite. I would keep gobbling up till Ma would say, "AAR khashna, pet, gorom hoey jabey". Years have now transpired and I remember having litchee only as a component in some soft beverages. We don't get that beautiful blush coloured lichu of India here. Have been meaning to introduce Dia to this fruit for sometime. Thanks for the recipe. This will be perfect for her. So creamy, yummy and slurpy. Yum yum.

    1. Thank you dear... exactly... maa n didu used to say too much of lichu causes pet groom..... hope Diya likes it... for popeye no other way but feed through ice cream... Piyali lichu gets me nostalgic.... choto masher sangey lichubagan e kinky jetam....the green china ones are very sweet...

  6. Thanks for sharing the movie review, definitely watch. I love these litchee bars, please keep these two for me..very delicious treat my friend & perfect for this summer my friend :) :)

    1. Thank you dear Jolly... definitely will keep for you.... it has reached by now....

  7. Yummy!!! perfect for a hot summer day...

  8. Who doesn't love lychee. But sadly we don't get lychees here, I wish I could taste these!

    1. Thanks Anupama... is it so... but you might be getting tinned ones at least....

  9. Perfect summer treat ��..... looks so delicious��
