Wednesday 26 February 2020


I am taking it easy today, shall be sharing a recipe with you that I have blogged about back in 2016, to be precise on 10th February, 2016. It is titled "FOUR SIMPLE VEGGIES IN MY HUMBLE KITCHEN". They were all good in taste, done the way they are usually done in the Bengali Homes. What I do not like anymore is their presentation. In my blogging journey, I have learnt a little about presenting things beautifully within my limits and I value it. I have made separate Blog Posts for the rest of the three dishes already, this one was left! Let me do it today and notify you that we learn with time, we never unlearn good things, habits. I am not a sincere learner; too casual with life, I could not excel in any field. This little amount of good presentation is what I can. If you check my earlier recipe about this vegetarian side dish with radish, cauliflower, potato, broad beans SHITKALIN TORKARI / Winter Veggie Medley; compare it with today's, you can make a difference in the presentation. I am happy to learn it. Had I have been sincere about learning good photography, I would have bought proper props. That may not happen in this lifetime, I cannot concentrate on any one thing, I lack patience. I have to go out, roam around, watch movie, record a song for my own pleasure and eat, eat and eat more. This morning, their snack boxes had "shobeda, angur and halwa" that my friend has sent from Lahore. That Halwa is a typical non-Bengali one made with wheat flour, jaggery, milk, ghee loaded with dry fruits. I could have a bit only once, not even wanting to. My men are having it. I packed their lunch boxes with chicken curry and rotis made of a mix of jowar, bajra, whole wheat flours. I cannot think of having meat in the morning, "maach bhaja diye ghee-makhon bhaat I can but do not have the liberty to." So, sometime back I had my breakfast with "ruti o roshuner achar", Boh tea. This primitive loves it.

I have decided to blog about this vegetarian side dish with few Indian Winter vegetables SHITKALIN TORKARI / Winter Veggie Medley so that I can finish off early not needing to write down the ingredient list & the recipe. If I can do this, I shall be done with updating all the four recipes in that combined post in a better manner. I have taken up a project for this afternoon; if it turns out well, I shall share it in public. I am in a relaxed mood since yesterday, had worn two old & favourite sarees of mine, got myself clicked, shared them in different forums without bearing the burden of unnecessary attention of the people. In the morning of yesterday, I was upset about the nail polish on my right hand been worn out. Its an OPI brand and I spend 40-50$ for a manicure & pedicure. The thing is I spend more time in the kitchen which I cannot stop. So, I again cleaned off and had worn a new colour available at home on my right hand nails. Then I had asked Cristine to get me photographed, found how stupid it looks to paint your eyebrows wrong. I enjoy getting clicked, not willing a match game with some around may be? I have my own reasons for that. One has to be nice enough to me, one cannot make a fool out of me. Today, I would not want to go ahead with a sweet, meat or prawn share. The senior guy came home pretty late yesterday. He was unnecessarily harsh towards me taking my innocent joke as a dig. Come on, I am a very sensitive person; it hurts. Then, his family does not know how to speak softly, to be nice with words. They had not shown any softness to this sensitive, new bee girl when she entered their home. I found it hurtful and a soft corner for them was never created within; we cannot do away with the sense of duty. If one cannot respect boundaries, I fail to kiss. 

However, I still would not regret; this partner is a genuine soul and his family is not comprised with wrong kinds of people. Just that, I do not fit in there. What is wrong is that in marriages, one should not consider only the bride & groom; there are various other factors that should be taken into consideration before you plunge into a relationship. Okay readers relax; the partner does eat vegetables, the son has to be fed such kinds mashed with dal keeping only the potato alongside. They do get salmon, prawn, sea bass, chicken or mutton by the side with it. I do not know if other Bengali families prepare this particular vegetable dish or not. Our mother used to do it during the winter because in those days all these vegetables were available only in winter except the aloo. Even the potato used was "Nainital er Notun Aloo." This time I have used few powdered spices to the dish which our mother does not.


Cauliflower : 1medium sized
Broad Beans : 8-10
Radish : 2 medium sized
Potato : 2 medium sized
Coriander Leaves : 2sprig
Green Chilli : 2 [slitted]
Dry Red Chilli : 2 [halved]
Turmeric Powder : 11/2tsp
Nigella Seeds / KALOJEEREY : 1/4tsp
Oil : 2 - 3 tbsp


Cut the cauliflower into medium sized florets. Wash & soak them in hot water for 15 minutes. Drain the water thereafter.

The radish should be peeled, two ends discarded, cut into three pieces and then lengthwise. 

Cut the two ends of the broad beans and discard the fibre that comes out too. Cut half each one. 

Peel and cut each potato into 4 pieces, wash.

Take each of the vegetables in separate bowls and wash again. Rub with salt and turmeric. Keep aside for 15 minutes.

Heat oil in a wok, temper with kalojeerey and two halved dry red chillies. Add the radish first. Stir and cover cook at minimal heat for 3-4 minutes. Check and sprinkle water if burn occurs.

Now add the marinated potatoes, stir and cover cook for 3-4 mixtures at minimal heat.

Add the marinated cauliflower florets & broad bean pieces now. Add the cumin & coriander powders, slitted green chillies, adjust salt if required and cover cook at minimal heat for 7-8 minutes. Constantly check to avoid burning, Keep sprinkling water as and when required.

Open the cover, add the sugar and chopped, washed coriander leaves. Fold in well and cook uncovered for another minute. We should be done.

Goes well with both steamed rice and flat breads.

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