Monday 16 March 2020


I am feeling so lethargic since early morning today. Dilli-Dallying to start with the blog post, lying on the couch, getting up, taking selfies of the natural self and why not? I have never imposed upon myself anything except for self control on certain things. If as humans we do not practice self restraint and enjoy liberty to it's extreme, the society ceases to exist. Have we accepted the Banjaras in the main stream? Eutopia has nothing to do with reality. This morning, I felt capturing the  early morning vive that works wonder inside always. This is the moment, I enjoy listening to soft music while everyone else sleeps.

Its all in the mind. If we wish, we can create a 4am Tiger Hill ambience right in our living room. I am just not fond of the tall buildings acting as blockades to viewing the sky. Till date, I could not click a full moon, a rising sun or a sun down moment, I wanted them in my album. As the clock moves forward, my extra large tummy starts rumbling and I do have a large bowl with my tea. The yellow coloured sweet you see me having with puffed rice is yum, it's recipe I shall be sharing with you  sometime later. Pistachios you can see, what you cannot see is that it uses two table spoon of sugar only.

This morning called for some music, so my head phone is on although I cannot multi task. I should have only concentrated on sharing the right steps of this recipe of egg free cake with beetroot juice EGG FREE BEETROOT MARBLE CAKE. However, I do what I wish to while staying within my limits. I am listening to and living the moment in the lyrics of "zindegi kaisi hai pehli hai; kabhi to hasaye, kabhi yeh rulaye" or "na jiya lagey na"..... I think I should finish off with the blog post soon and try picking up some lines I used to hum decades back, to feel happy within. I chant each day; "I am in charge of myself". It helps me feel stronger. In your journey of life; in seeking your happiness or bearing with your pain, you need not disturb other's peace or space. I have learnt it, each day I teach myself this and that helps me get back in the track; enjoy my own company even more. At this moment, it feels I have to sing a piece in whichever way I can  to get rid of certain stress. The son's continuous ongoing examinations is also a reason for my stressful self. How he will fare in the finals is my eternal question now. I have to get out of this, a kind of monotony, restless ness is taking over me, in public I do not make it visible. Anyway, cooking is always a pleasure. The son is  staying at home more at this time; he keeps on snacking and I so enjoy stacking food for him. His father does not have any idea about these needs of the son, I can understand because I was / is a foodie. What worries me is that our boy has not learnt the habit of sharing with others. You can blame me for this, I might have failed to teach him this. However, I would like you to taste a bit of this EGG FREE BEETROOT MARBLE CAKE  virtually; you may also try the recipe, it is worth. If I bake some easy cakes at home, their snack boxes look good in addition to some fruits.

As all marble cakes demand; there were two batters made. What to do with the extra batter that had beetroot juice in it? I simply baked them in small cups adding some extra flour. I took them to a friends home, so do not know the taste, they did not update me. They did not fluff up as I did not add baking powder or soda along with the extra flour. I never do wish to waste anything, not even memories. At this moment, I am listening to 'Marasim", really do not know how do we feel on the day when Gulzar Saab leaves this earth. Since teen-hood, I asked this question to myself "what happens if?" Humans are a strong species. "Gulzar Saab na bhi bolte to bhi hamein pata hai yaadon ko nourish karna parta hain apne andar," we do not let go what we wish to cherish and we are not answerable to anyone doing so; but we need not storm into other's life in the process! Come, let us bake!




I used the following ingredients!

I took the flour in a bowl, the baking soda & powders and mixed them together well.

Now I took out 1/4 of the flour mixture and placed it in another bowl.

I blended together the evaporated creamer, plain yogurt, refined & brown sugar, vinegar, oil until smooth.

I had added the maximum of the creamy liquid to the bowl which has more amount of flour mixture and had beaten well to get a smooth batter.

I had added the vanilla essence to it and mixed well again.

Then, I had added the fresh beetroot juice to the rest of the liquid mixture and blended it for 1/2 a minute.

I had poured it to the less amount of flour and beaten well. 

Here are our two different mixtures. We did not need the beetroot mixture so much, I had made few more cup cakes with it you can see.

In an aluminium foil cake tin, I poured 1/2 of the white batter and tapped on the kitchen flour lightly. 

I had added 2tbsp of the red colour batter to it. Now, I used a tooth pick to design. If I can do it, anyone can.

Then, I added another half of the white batter and tapped the tin on the kitchen top.

I poured 2-3 more tbsp of the red batter with beetroot juice and used a tooth pick to spread it in design format. Tapped it on the kitchen top again.

I preheated my convection mode microwave for 10 minutes @ 180*C keeping the wired, low stool inside.

I had placed the cake tin atop the stool thereafter and baked it at 180*C for about 30 minutes I think. Please do insert a fork or tooth pick in the middle to check.

After the bake, the cake lost that beautiful colour, alas! It tastes very good.

Now, what to do with the beetroot juice batter which was a bit watery. I added few spoons of refined flour sans extra amount of baking powder or soda. I mixed well and poured into foil cups half filled. Then, I added some chopped pistachios on the top of each and baked for 17-20 minutes.

I can guarantee you the taste of this tea-time / coffee-time cake. Have it fresh or refrigerate for later consumption.

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