Friday 13 March 2020


 I sincerely hope I am not repeating this recipe of a Bengali Sweet Pilaf in the Blog? So far I can remember, this may have featured in different platters at different times but not as an individual blog post. I do have a Bashanti Polao kind of thing in the blog which was not frequently made in our families, however this one what you see today was / is always done with short grained, fragrant rice variety. Actually, today is the 51st Marriage Anniversary of my parents, the father expired nearly three years back, so celebration does not occur. However, on special occasions, I do make it a point to share dishes relevant, suitable for the concerned people. I am just unable to do a fish / meat share today. Our father was of very friendly nature, he smiled even at strangers. How cannot I take in people around me today? He was a happy go lucky, very simplistic human being. The only luxury in his life perhaps was good quality / bigger sized prawns and a variety of fruits; precisely mango, banana, litchi, jackfruit, apple. Considering various factors in the surrounding, as is possible with a minuscule brain matter; I felt the urge to share a rice pilaf recipe our families prepare, a GHOROA BANGALI POLAO. We usually use short grained, fragrant rice variety "Gobindo Bhog" in West Bengal; here the Bangladeshi stores provide me with a similar kind "chinigura, kalijeera." We never ever use Basmati for our pulao, it is used for fried rices, biryani. When it concerns the parents or any senior member of the family, a fish share is the most suitable. Then, I have the responsibility of taking in the maximum number of the people today, our father loved interacting with people. Death is not a good topic to be discussed for long, let us get back to the present.

I was planning to prepare this Bengali Sweet Pulao since day before yesterday. I had some raw banana kofta curry cooked last Saturday to serve with it. Our father loved kofta, specially a raw banana kofta, perhaps from that thought I do kofta on a regular basis. It is easier to feed veggies to my men if its kofta. Then, I felt let me get more amount of smiles to their faces; grilled some chicken too. If it is a sweet pilaf with cashews, raisins; they would not have mind a vegetarian meal.

Mumma would always serve three pieces of grilled chicken to her boy, keep one for herself. The man got two pieces of grilled chicken and "kanchakolar kofta"each. Okay, Cristine too gets to eat more number of chicken, pomfret, poor quality mutton, even prawns than her maam cooks, she never gets the bigger of the two pieces of Hilsa at this home, she will not.

Preparing a sweet pilaf one has grown up eating is not a big deal as is a Zarda Rice. I jeopardised the latter's taste last week. What I share today is done with confidence. It would have been better if "purano chal" was used. Yes, old stock of rice works better than the new produce. I am personally against having sweet pulao with any soupy, gravy dishes. They do not gel well. I reserve "patla mangshor jhol exclusively for shada bhaat o ruti", "doi maach with shada bhaat." "Kosha Mangsho still can be had with "mishti polao." I am happy to have it with "bit noon & kanchalanka" alone. After marriage, I found the best pair for a Bengali Sweet Pulao GHOROA BANGALI POLAO; "paka rui ba katla bhaja." Their home had this pair frequently, the mother-in-law disliked cooking, this was the best she could do, she herself hates vegetables! I was so relaxed yesterday evening, I was proceeding with the steps of cooking having "Cristine made chirey bhaja o cha", reading few of my old favourite stories. In school, "Kalapahar" & "Mahesh" were part of our text. Yesterday, I broke into tears once again reading "Kalapahar." I asked, "Bossy, tor money achey Iva Miss ki darun poriyechilen Kalapahar." He did not bother to answer, so busy was he watching CNN. So, S enjoys her own company, this morning she had a homemade "masala chai with two kolar bora", bloating did not happen as yet.

I have to wrap up, in practical life me and Cristine have to go to the Indian market in the afternoon, ma'am has to have "pathar mangsho, tatka rui ba katla, magur" this weekend.


GOBINDO BHOG CHAL / CHINIGURA BA KALIJEERA CHAL : 1COFFEE MUG [all three are fragrant, short grain varieties of rice]
CLOVE : 4-5
BAY LEAF : 3-4
RAISIN : 12-13


Wash and soak the rice in enough water for an hour.

After an hour, drain the water, spread the rice on a plate [atop a newspaper is the best as it dries it very well]. Since, we are in scare of viruses, I chose a tray.

I had asked Cristine to halve the cashew nuts, wash and drain the water, towel dry. I also had asked her to wash and soak the raisins in warm water for few hours.

She washed and chopped the green chillies, while I lightly crushed the green & black cardamoms, cloves, cinnamon sticks. Listen, I think we should wipe bay leaves with a clean, wet towel before use, all this while I only brushed it with my fingers.

We need ghee, salt and sugar too.

Once the rice grains seem dry, we shall warm 4tbsp ghee in a heavy bottomed vessel and lightly fry the cashew nuts. We shall take them out for later use.

We shall add the crushed whole spices, chopped green chillies, bay leaves to the clarified butter once its quite hot, not to smoking point.

We shall give two-three stirs and add the dried, uncooked rice grains. Now we shall continuously stir the rice for 4-5 minutes at low to medium heat.

The idea is to coat each rice grain with ghee well.

Now add 2 coffee mugs of water, salt & sugar.

Stir once or twice to mix well.

Cover cook at low heat for 7-8 minutes or until 70-75% done.

Open cover, add 2tbsp ghee, the fried cashew nuts and raisins draining the water. Mix gently.

Cover cook at the lowest heat for 4-5 minutes. Switch off the gas burner, keep in rest covered for 12-13 minutes.

Now hold the vessel and shake few times.

It is ready to be served with your choice of sides and salads.

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