Thursday 27 May 2021



I may still hold the wish of wanting to travel to India thrice a year; to be precise to Kolkata; meet everyone, visit the wet markets, do shopping and come back to a safer abode. The problem is at this home, we do not agree at any point. The bread earner at home did not take any initiative to settle in any first world country! I told I am severely unwilling to stay in any third world country even if it is in a better position than India. No, if I cannot settle in a first world country, I will go and settle in Mumbai but not to a country that is cheaper and little better in position than India is in. I would never want to stay in an unknown country that has a declared state religion, I am a fear monger! In every matter, we have differences of opinion.The bread earner thinks once the child completes the college, we can go to any of the war torn nations and serve. I am peace loving, I wish to live; I told better we go and work for the development of the Sundarbans and happily become a meal for the aging tigers someday. Only one wish we jointly had; either to open a guest house in Puri or open a school somewhere in the suburbs of Kolkata where anyone gets a chance to study.Then, these were the plans made decades back when one was sailing and I was still in Kolkata, nurturing a wish to relocate abroad to experience the life there.We have touched fifty and it is unlikely I would allow to invest big amount on something we have no experience about; we may go bankrupt!In this uncertainty with the biggest threat from a virus, I have my feet on the ground enough to know either I go back to Kolkata, live in my own home within an upscaled community with two to three helps or I stay in a rented space without day dreaming of owning a 1600 sq.ft. area. I live with clever, intelligent people who carried me with them to keep me under control with an ease!If I throw tantrum beyond a limit, asap comes a question; big flat in this island or the child's education in a choice of country? I get in track within minutes; my child should get education in that country!I know a salaried person with no financial inheritance, but with huge responsibilities cannot fulfil all my wishes. I am unwilling to go back to Kolkata sooner! But, I keep my family tradition, Kolkata, BENGALI RUSTIC FOOD close to my heart! I cook platters like this FULKOPIR DATA PATA DIYE SHUTKI, Shojne Datar Chocchori, Kancha Pepe Diye Dal, Peyazkoli Bhaja! There definitely would have some egg or meat or fish curry on the side.


Not really! My problem is I am fast to make plans which are far from reality and less feasible to execute. I know that but people should also care for and understand my feelings. With a weird, reclusive child sitting so far off, things are not easy for me. My mental health is at stake and people at home do not care. Oh Sorry! They perhaps care but cannot do much about it. All this while, I felt I am overdoing until when the day before, the lady at the Chottopadhyay Home echoed me, that she would go where her child will be joining college next year. I felt, mothers need not be sane, specially those with a single child; moreover at a time when Covid-19 is ruling the scene. It is my love for COOKING AND EATING that keeps my spirits up. Restrictions on dining in did not stop me from buying food. Yesterday, the doctor's chamber was closed, again I went today; was happy to see my health parameters. Its almost a week I have started having breakfasts but is skipping rice or millets or breads at night. Let us see how it goes, I cannot survive on smoothies, soups & salads. I had a late brunch today, a choice meal! Having that at 12 pm, I had space to eat a rice meal at 3:30pm. I had it only for that bhorta you know. I will get the recipe, I just love bhorta and can eat a plate full of rice with it. But, habituated to eat a less amount of it and embracing unpolished brown rice, I get full halfway.

That chicken curry was extra, but we had to finish. Until this was still okay, but again having a tweaked stale roti dish with your coffee is too much. At this time, I am having crisp, torn stale roti garnished with ghee and sugar. What you do is microwave the rotis for about two minutes, they get crisp; tear them small. Garnish with ghee and sugar. I am so loving it with the milk & sugar coffee I get for the help. 

Some five to six years back, a former colleague Poonam Singh got a ghee laden Roti Churma for us, I loved it. This girl spoke for me in my absence, I did not forget this kind act by the mother of a boy and a girl. On the day of my blood sugar check; I indulge this much. Rest of the days I have low intake of sugar and carb. But, unless I put a check on what I am eating, I am at risk. If I have to live happily, you cannot rob me of the joy of eating. I would not let my life go jeopardy, it has to be majorly the way I want it to be. Even if I live in a rented space, I enjoy it because home is where love is, if only it was nearer to my kiddo. 


WHAT IS FULKOPIR DATA O PATA? Fulkopi is CAULIFLOWER and its data & pata are the STEMS & LEAVES. WHAT IS SHUTKI MAACH? It is SUN DRIED FISH! There can be a variety of it, the one I have used in this is our most favourite DRIED BOMBAY DUCK! In my side of the family, having dried fish is very regular. In this recipe, I have combined the stems & leaves of a cauliflower and a little of dried Bombay Duck fish to get a NON-VEGETARIAN BHARTA. WHAT IS BHARTA? They say PATE, PASTE. I would define it as a paste mix cooked further with onion, garlic, chillies and nigella seeds, at least these are a must in Bengali Homes. I think I can have a meal with vegetable boil and bhartas alone. I mean a boiled & mashed raw banana or yam with a drizzle of mustard oil, salt, burnt dry red chillies and a dried fish or vegetable skin bharta makes my meal, not just but fabulous! I have taken the family route or root, whatever you say! Mumma may not live to see but my child would some day understand what I expected of it. Who ever it's partner be, I would not visit their home regular if I do not like the ways. I believe and say, if our likes and dislikes are strong, we should stay aloof and separate. Staying together and complaining has no point. There is one life and there has to be happiness in it! Come, let us COOK and have this GLUTEN-FREE FISH RECIPE with a bowlful of rice!

You may want to try few other DRIED FISH RECIPES from my Blog! Here they are :




I hail from a family that has a huge repertoire of rustic Bengali dishes, even done from what others consider a waste. So, just before throwing away the cauliflower stalks and leaves on that particular day, I thought of using them, but not on a "fulkopir patabata or data chocchori". The cauliflowers that come from India have some fresh leaves & stalks attached. I did not wish to throw them off! I took out a few dried Bombay Duck fish from my stock and proceeded with the recipe!

We will chop the cauliflower leaves and stems after separating the leaves from them; we will take out thinly the fibres of the stem. We will chop the dried fish discarding the tail end and heads of each!

We will wash them under the running water several times and soak in water for an hour or more.

We will add some salt to the bowl and microwave at high for 10-12 minutes. Once a bit cool; we will drain the water.

We will give a wash again and take the boiled stuffs in a blender. We will blend them to a paste, a little coarse is better.

We will temper the oil heated with the nigella seeds, crushed garlic, halved dry red chillies, bay leaves. 

Once the crushed garlic turn brown, we will add the sliced onion; we will stir cook until brown.

We will add the paste, salt required and the turmeric. We will fold in well and stir cook for 3-4 minutes. Until this step, we will cook at low heat!

We will add half a coffee-mug of water and slitted green chillies. We will stir cook at minimal heat for 8-10 minutes. 

When the thing is well cooked, the water content will dry and it will come out from the sides! Just get your piping hot bowl of steamed rice ready!


1 comment:

  1. Very different and unique recipe! So far i have not tried this fish and dried fish. Actually our fish-dish culture covers only winter times not other seasons. Your cuisine covers fish base dishes alot.
