Monday 31 May 2021



I think I would complete the sentence as this; a middle class Bengali like me would BAKE A CAKE with anything related available at home. One major reason behind my inability to become an upscaled baker even after few decades of trying my hands on it is this miserly self of mine. I would not buy ingredients worth 50-60$ to prepare a dream cream cake. Yes, this is one reason, the other may be my aversion towards working hard to learn something perfectly. I am such a dilli-dallied self that I have never felt any urge to go deep into any subject, or matter in that sense. Except for Bollywood news, I hardly show any curiosity! Yes, another interest I have, of knowing which kid takes what academic and career decision. I have inherited this from my brother's mother. Till date, perhaps she would watch the television interviews of "madhyomik, ucchamadhyomik, ICSE, ISC, CBSE te khub bhalo result kora chele-meyeder interview"! Imagine, our son went to the college, already! Either of our parents all of their life remained middle class, never did they wish to upgrade, neither their two kids are demanding. I so wished Bhai demanded a bit more out of life. I am demanding with regards to our son's academics and career, he has to be upwardly mobile. The senior would also tell you that I am not like his friends' wives who ask their men to carry the trolly at the supermarkets, expect them to be at home early and have dinner at the same time each day, help with household works. We do not stay in a state of the art flat with pricey decorative stuffs does not mean I want him to stagnate in office in the same position, years after years! His closest pals know what I want of him. In case of general life, I am that what I was born as; the marriage upgraded me from a middle class to an upper middle class, given his salary structure but as a person, I remain the same. I have no fascination for expensive dresses, accessories, home decors. I do not get infuriated when other women tell me their men gifted them a fifty thousand worth sari, a flat, jewelry. I know mine is funding our child's education in one of the most expensive universities in the world. I always wish to put through a message; when you have a child, it is the most precious and beautiful gift you can have on earth. Mumma may not have bought him the most expensive toys or cakes & food from top brands, but mumma did arouse in him the wish to study in a good place! All three of us felt, if it is not the NUS Business School, let the child make a move. We never coerced him to secure a 43-44-45 score in IB, we knew he is a 38-40 category and believe in him. When the examination got cancelled and his grades were lower, I was extremely hurt. His father thinks application is more important than marks and where one reaches ultimately is what matters. We always debate. Mumma keeps reminding her wounds would not heal unless his scores are higher onwards. Yes, otherwise our baby is very grounded, about the stuffs he buys, food he eats, over all monthly expenses he does!


There are storming discussions throughout the internet on this issue. I find it confusing. I was doing intermittent fasting for over a year and recently started skipping rice & chapati in the dinner time. I honestly confess, I cannot continue with such sacrifices. I started feeling hungry and sad. Given a foodie; I cannot eat seeds and nuts in the morning either. So, I have started with breakfast and is skipping rice & roti at night. There is another reason, our boy is skipping breakfast. He is not giving any clear reason. Okay, some days he has early classes. Mumma is very worried that he is not storing fresh fruits and muesli or oats or cornflakes. He stores pudding and concentrated juices. He loves his desserts and juices but they do not help unless eaten freshly made. So, mumma felt lets set an example to the son starting to eat in the morning. But his daddy does not, he more follows his dad than mumma. Money is not even an issue here, we got him unlimited food vouchers so that he stays within the campus. In the start of the second semester, he told his coupons were going to a waste as he does not get time to eat breakfast some days, that he wants some variety in food too. Closing my eyes, I can see my boy comparing the prices of two restaurants, then sitting in an eatery to have a six dollar lunch. Off course, he has his mumma present in him. Its about a week, his university's magazine has arrived! 

I felt I must share a VEGETARIAN CUP CAKE recipe as earliest as I can; this LEMON ZEST BUTTERCUP BAKES are good, anyone can do! 


WHAT IS LEMON ZEST? LEMON was a regular thing in our humble Bengali household, not really did we know the use of it's zest. This average student in a "Benglish" School did not even know what zest is. Later, I knew a zest of a lemon or orange can be a great substitute for artificial flavouring. That the skin paste of tangy fruits are good as face packs, we knew. In the recent years, I use lemon zest for flavouring cakes; I love because I am not fond of strong, artificial flavours! WHAT IS BUTTERCUP? Because I am a miser and butter is synonymous with Amul Butter for us which is available in few Indian stores, I use a cheaper substitute at times for baking my cakes! BUTTERCUP available here is cheap that majorly uses Palm Oil in the making. I manage most of my cakes with plain oil; canola or soybean or a blend! Done using this buttercup, the CUP CAKES really were soft and supple. Because, I am not a great BAKER, I bake with few ingredients! Things should be within my grip, else I mess. Because, I like walnuts & pumpkin seeds, I had topped them with the two. How our baby enjoyed what mumma made and served. Now, when he wants to have one, he has to go out and buy. That hurts! These days, I am baking less; the son left home; the bake mode of our convection oven got spoilt and its summer for a heavily "bongofied" self! My favourite summer meal is "aam diye chirey, khoi, muri"; thats what was my lunch today!




Melt the buttercup and take it in a blender together with the sugar, vinegar. Blend it to a smooth paste.

In a bowl, sieve together the refined flour, baking powder and baking soda! Pour the blended mixture to it.

Add to it the lemon zest too.

We will be making cup cakes, we need not beat the ingredients for a smooth batter. I used my fingers to just mix.

Cristine helped pour them into foiled cups, just half filled, each one. We can now garnish the tops with the walnuts & pumpkin seeds!

I had put a wok on the gas top, placed a wired stand on it! Let it get heated for 5-6 minutes.

Thereafter, we had put the muffin tray atop the stand; cover cooked for 45-50 minutes at low to minimal heat!

Once done, we will cool them a bit before having. They taste the best when had warm and fresh.

1 comment:

  1. Lemon is my favourite. I love it very much such as lemonade, lemon cake, lemon icecream. Your recipe is nice, i like it. Breakfast is very important meal of the day for us, however our children dont agree with us . I think this lemon zest butter cup cake goes well with our Turkish tea in the moring. Have a wonderful day.
