Monday 29 February 2016


Weekend evenings call for some snacking with tea if we are at home. A late lunch, lazy late afternoon nap and then.... ohh we are not going out, then let me prepare something. I do the planning in the morning as soon as we get sure we have no invitations, that we would not be going out and just relax at home. The lazy team finally have their tea and snacks around 7:30 pm. Then comes the final verdict.... we will not have dinner. 

The uber cool, crazy family have their music system and television on together. The quieter lady of the house  urges if we can play one at a time. The junior takes advantage of the situation and skips his studies. In a whole, these are the moments that are making memories, beautiful ones. The lady loves weaving memories..... had there been enough vocabulary, she would have penned down a memoir.

I had some paneer and thought let me do something else with it instead of a curry. I found bread roll as a nice option. I wasn't comfortable with the shaping and giving them a smooth finish. I wished to be relaxed while cooking. The preparation time was not that long and the snack was yummy that much I can assure you. It was done with the ingredients we have in our kitchen all the time. I have roughly captured the  steps involved in the preparation. Let us do it. This middle class lady retained the bread slice borders to saute with veggies and have it, she does not serve this to her men though. She loves to flaunt what she believes in.

INGREDIENTS :[for the filling]

Paneer : 150g [crumbled]
Potato : 2 [boiled and mashed]
Green Chilli : 3 [chopped]
Onion : 1[sliced]
Turmeric Powder : 1/4 tsp
Cumin Powder : 1/2 tsp
Coriander Powder : 1/2 tsp
Cinnamon Powder : 1/4 tsp
Cumin Seed : 1/4 tsp
Salt : As required
Oil : 1 tbsp

INGREDIENTS : [for the coverage and frying]

Bread Slices : 6-7 [borders cut]
Water : A bowl full of
Oil : 200-250 ml [left overs can be used later]
Tissue Paper : To soak the excess of oil from the fries


Let us prepare the filling at first. Heat 2 tbsp oil in a wok and temper with the cumin seeds. As they splutter, add the sliced onions. Fry until golden brown. Add the mashed potato, sprinkle some salt, mix well. Stir for 2 minutes.

I perhaps had to use less amount of potato & more amount of paneer, sorry folks!

Add the crumbled paneer. Fold in well. Add the chopped green chillies, cumin, coriander, cinnamon and turmeric powders, sugar and a little of salt.

Mix and stir well for 2-3 minutes. Transfer to a bowl and let cool.

Take the bread slices and water in different bowls. Soak each bread slice in water and squeeze the excess water. Place some filling on the middle of a bread slice. Carefully bring together to shape like a roll. 

I could not do full justice to the shaping part.

Heat the oil in a wok. Deep fry the rolls in batches. 

Place them onto the tissue papers to soak the excess of oil before serving. 

Serve hot with a choice of your sauce, chutney, salad.