Thursday 10 March 2016


Maach er jhal, jhol, kalia, kosha, paturi; everything you would get in a Bengali kitchen. Maacher jhol is a light curry, maacher jhal refers to a curry using mustard paste, kalia is a really spicy treat using lots of spices and onion and kosha is a dry curry using very less water, paturi is fish steaks or fillets steamed wrapped in banana leaves. Well, I have not really done any research on it but delivered what I grew up hearing or having.

Bhetki / Seabass / Barramundi may belong to the same species but not really identical as they say. In our  family, Bhetki or Barramundi was not much in demand. Bengalis from East Bengal prefer different varieties of catfish, carps, hilsa, smaller variety of fish. Bhetki fillets were brought occasionally home when the mother made fish fries. It was not a regular affair because bhetki fillets were usually extracted from big ones and they were expensive at all times. We as kids were not deprived of anything we loved, but in moderation. In comparison, are our kids learning to value money? This issue bothers me a lot but our son is very decent in this issue to the present date.

Fish curry is not a complex thing to do. If you love it, it cannot be a failure. Since we get fresh and moderately sized seabass / bhetki / barramundi here, I get it quite often. Though not in my favourite list earlier, I am gradually developing a taste for it. Mustard paste is an integral part of Bengali cooking; I love it's association with green chillies, even with shredded coconut and keep using the combination in various dishes. Let us prepare Bhetki Macher Jhal / Barramundi / Seabass in mustard paste.

We also had some Kolmi Shaak Bhaja / Kangkong Fry, Roasted Moong Dal with fresh Coriander and a veggie dish with okra+egg plant+potato on that day.


Seabass/Bhetki/Barramundi : 4-5 [I used smaller sized]
Mustard Seed [black] : 1tbsp
Garlic Paste : 1/2tsp [optional]
Green Chilli : 5-6 [adjust as per your tolerance to heat]
Nigella Seeds [kalijeera] : 3pinches
Turmeric Powder : 1tsp
Salt : As required
Ice Cube : 2-3
Lemon Juice : 1-2tbsp
Oil[authentically Mustard] : 5-6tbsp


Wash the fish pieces thoroughly. Marinate the fish with lemon juice, salt and turmeric powder for 15-20 minutes. Wash them and again marinate with a little of salt & turmeric.

Prepare a paste with washed black mustard seeds, green chillies in a blender adding little a little of salt and water, the ice cubes. Pour into a bowl, add the garlic paste and rest of the turmeric if required. Neither side of my family uses the garlic.

Heat the oil in a wok and fry the fish pieces until light brown, on both sides. Take out.

Temper the remaining oil with the nigella seeds. As you get the aroma, add the spice paste, lower the heat and saute for a minute. Add 1 big cup water. 

Let the curry comes to boil and boil for 3-4 minutes. Add the lightly fried fish pieces gently discarding the marinade. Cover cook for 2 minutes. Open cover, turn over the fish pieces. Let cook covered for another minute. Its done. 

Transfer to a serving bowl, garnish with the slitted green chillies. Enjoy with steamed rice, fresh and hot.

Please note, always add salt & ice cubes while preparing this paste to avoid it turning bitter. You can substitute the black mustard with the yellow one to mellow down the heat.


  1. All your preparation are very healthy, nutritious and very beautifully made and narrated. Curry looks very delicious and flavorful soma.

    1. Thank you so much Deepa... sometimes not so healthy haha...

  2. Being ghoti we rarely have bhetki...this version looks pretty good

    1. Oh is it...In Kolkata there is demand...for me its war, tyangra,kajoli always...thanks...

  3. Curry looks delicious, Soma! I bet, coconut must have added such a nice flavor to it!

  4. This vibrant dish will definitely be a winner in my house.

    1. Thank you... if u love generous with it....
