Wednesday 2 March 2016


I look back at the mid 80's and visualise the Kolkata wet markets being flooded with a new variety of sea-fish. Looking at it's price, the silvery, flat shaped fish caught many eyes. The middle class households always had and have a 'month end' factor. That low price of the silvery Pomfret caught many middle class eyes. Not knowing how it tastes, how to cook it, daddy got it one day with all smiles; he was visibly happy with the price tag. Mani did not know how to prepare it. The first attempt to prepare a light curry with it was a total flop.  The daughter of the house found it too smelly. 

As kids, we never understood how a household is run, that we need to adjust with certain situations. Now I can feel and regret and scold myself thinking I should have been more of accommodating. The cheap pomfret did not remain cheap anymore though; within two years, it's price went soaringly high. Perhaps, the restaurants started buying them in bulk. Now, its in the same league with the other prestigious fresh water fish there in Kolkata or Bengal; the majority in the world love it, I am the minority in this case.

Going back in time again, a neighbourhood aunty told our mother that Pomfret fish is required to be cooked with a lot of onion and garlic, that the mother's 'ada-jeers-lanka batar jhol' i.e. ginger-cumin-green chilli paste curry would not work. Thereafter, mani prepared it with lots of onion, garlic and ginger. Yet, the daughter of the house never loved it, it holds true till date. Now I prepare it just because my men love the fish, my brother and his spouse too. I prefer a chaat, poori-bhaji or a bowl of cold cut chicken & veggies salad over Pomfret. There are various other ways to cook it. I ask the son and the man to try them outside of home. While cooking a Pomfret, I literally have to cover my nose. Then, we can go to any length for our loved ones, so I get it once or twice a month. Let us do it the way the mother used to do.


Pomfret : 4[medium sized]
Tomato : 1big[chopped]
Onion : 2medium[sliced]
Garlic[minced] : 1tsp[my addition]
Garlic Paste : 1tsp
Ginger Paste : 2tsp
Cumin Powder : 1tsp
Coriander Powder : 1tsp
Chilli Powder : 1tsp
Turmeric Powder : 1tsp
Cumin Seeds : 1/4tsp
Chopped Coriander : 2 tbsp
Slitted Green Chilli : 2-3
Salt : As required
Oil : 4tbsp


Clean the stomach of each of the fish and wash thoroughly. Make 2-3 slits on the body or may not in this case. Marinate them with a little of salt for 15 minutes. Thereafter, wash off them well.

Rub a little of salt and turmeric to the fish pieces. Heat the oil in a wok and deep fry the fishes. Take them out and keep aside.

Temper the same oil with the cumin seeds and minced garlic. As they give a nice aroma, add the sliced onions. Fry them until golden brown. Add the garlic paste. Fry for a minute.

Add the ginger paste and fry for 2 minutes. Add the chopped tomatoes. Fry until they melt. Add the cumin, coriander, turmeric, chilli powder and salt. Stir for half a minute.

Add a big cup of water. Let it come to a boil. Gently add the fried fish pieces. After a minute, turn them over, add the chopped coriander & slitted green chillies, boil for 2 minutes. We should be done.

Enjoy the freshly made fish curry with piping hot steamed rice.


  1. Really tempting fish curry

  2. This is looking very Healthy, flavorful and super delicious. Loved the way you've narrated this recipe.

  3. This curry looks so classic and flavorful, Soma!

    1. Thank you so much Anupama... let me peep into your kitchen...

  4. We Konkani people love this fish..curry looks tempting..will definitely try
