Monday 29 August 2016


The story behind the making of this Strawberry Halwa goes as this..... we had a visiting guest a couple of weeks back who got us a big bag full of fruits completely forgetting that we are a family of three or say four. My men are not that much of a fruit lover. To be precise, they love few specific kinds of fruits like mango, grapes, apple, pear. Our guest who is like a brother and his darling wife got us a box full of strawberries. For two days the box rested in the refrigerator and the Uncle Podger in me totally forgot about it. 

I usually offer any fruit brought home to my God Family before consuming it. On the third day when I took out the box, I found that few of the strawberries already has spoiled. Strawberries even after refrigerating spoil quickly. I was sad because I do not like wastage and strawberries are a quite an expensive thing. I was wondering what can I do quickly with the rest of them.

The senior of my men still loves to have strawberry with cream but the junior will not have a bite of anything sour. I do have them at times with a bowl of yogurt. To be frank, our taste buds are not adapted to having strawberry as a fruit. It is not commonly found at the place of our origin. With the rest of the strawberries I wished to prepare something that every member in the family can enjoy, also close family friends were to come that day. The idea of Strawberry Halwa popped up because I have seen a couple of such recipes with it and other fruits too. I landed up at this no fancy, simple, homemade Strawberry Halwa. Let us prepare this Strawberry Halwa..... a sweet made of strawberry paste, sugar and semolina together.


Semolina : 50 gm
Strawberry : 10-12
Sugar : 1 small tea cup
Green Cardamom : 2-3
Bayleaf : 1
Oil : 4tbsp [Alternatively you can use Ghee]
Your choice of roasted dry fruits to garnish [Optional]


Wash and chop the strawberries, break and mash roughly with your right palm. Keep aside.

Heat the oil in a wok. Slightly tear open the green cardamoms and add to the wok along with the bayleaf.

Add the semolina, keep on stirring for 5-8 minutes. When you will see the semolina turning light brown and nicely roasted, transfer it to a bowl.

Clean the wok and put on the gas oven. Add the strawberry paste and stir for a minute. Add the sugar and 2 big coffee mugs of water. Stir well.

When the mixture comes to a boil, add the roasted semolina. Fold in well.

Let it cook for 3-4 minutes at low heat. If required add a little more of water. Mix well and stir cook for 3-4 minutes.

Transfer the halwa to a serving bowl. Garnish with your choice of roasted & chopped dry fruits.


  1. Looks so delicious & yumm!! Now that's what you call a really good chef. Trust me, you've transformed this to super exotic and rich preparation. Loved it..

  2. looks so colorful and no doubt the taste would have been awesome..

  3. Looks so colorful & delicious halwa dear.

  4. Looks really awesome....!!! Really an innovative ur presentation too... :)

  5. Berries are rather expensive over here and we don't get the best ones as well. So, I stick with local fruits and this halwa - I love the colour, I love the ingredients in it and I love to have just one piece.

    1. So true Navaneetham... but Malaysia does have quite a few strawberry farms...

  6. Wow Halwa with Strawberry.. So innovative !!!
